Why do you like manga?

Better than American comics and less trivial.
Interested in anime when I was young made me curious of manga and to see what it was like.
Read it.
Loved it.
Different world, different story, for the most parts.
Better than American comics and less trivial.
Interested in anime when I was young made me curious of manga and to see what it was like.
Read it.
Loved it.
Different world, different story, for the most parts.

good answer probably the same I could never get into batman or superman or crap like that
random_pie said:
They are usually quick to read, so if you only have an hour or so to spare you can read a volume or two.

I'm always amazed at how quickly people read through manga. I tend to take an hour to two hours per volume. Or sometimes it can take me up to a week to finish a volume.
Anzu-Butterfly said:
I'm always amazed at how quickly people read through manga. I tend to take an hour to two hours per volume. Or sometimes it can take me up to a week to finish a volume.
Exactly the same with me. I restrict myself to 2 chapters a day, and I read a manga in 3-4 days.
I was swearing at my friend who reads manga, cuz she goes through chapters in less than 5 mins... What the...?! XD

I like manga because I don't get the overly muscled superheros in american comics, the style of drawing itself looks 'beautiful' compared to american comics, and it's pocket size. Good for travelling.
Compared to anime, You can read it anywhere and it has a lot more story compared to it's animated twin.
Its brilliant - simple

And it gives me something to read at work which is something money can't buy (ok so it is something money can buy as I have to pay for the manga I read)
Chaz said:
Anzu-Butterfly said:
I'm always amazed at how quickly people read through manga. I tend to take an hour to two hours per volume. Or sometimes it can take me up to a week to finish a volume.
Exactly the same with me. I restrict myself to 2 chapters a day, and I read a manga in 3-4 days.
I was swearing at my friend who reads manga, cuz she goes through chapters in less than 5 mins... What the...?! XD

You must have alot of will power! Lol, I wouldn't be able to restrict myself to two chapters a day, for me that would be far too hard! I'd end up peeking and reading the whole thing ^.^
I do try and make a volume last as long as I can though. Normally I read it over a period of 4-5 hours, picking it up and down. Then spend the rest of the day going over it to make sure I havn't missed anything. I cheat with every book I buy though, but looking at the last three pages before reading the whole thing >.<; It always feels like such a shame when I've read it threw for the first time, knowing that its over.
Can't say 100% because I'm not sure, I have Hellsing 1-7 and my main reason for buying it was everyone told me the manga is far better than the anime (which it is, I'm not talking about Hellsing Ultimate). On a general term I like the manga because a picture can tell 1000 words or whatever the quote is, and I love the art.
That and sod reading a book, the last book I read by choice was the 4th harry potter around 5-7 years ago, I'm more of a person that likes images, films, games, art.etc
Manga Girls said:
There is a kind of freedom that I find in manga that I don't think I have found anywhere else.
I'm in agreement here. I like the fact manga goes places other comics daren't. I like stories which take risks and push the boundaries in terms of characterization as well as content. (they're also fun to read innit!)
Anzu-Butterfly said:
You must have alot of will power! Lol, I wouldn't be able to restrict myself to two chapters a day, for me that would be far too hard! I'd end up peeking and reading the whole thing ^.^
I do try and make a volume last as long as I can though. Normally I read it over a period of 4-5 hours, picking it up and down. Then spend the rest of the day going over it to make sure I havn't missed anything. I cheat with every book I buy though, but looking at the last three pages before reading the whole thing >.<; It always feels like such a shame when I've read it threw for the first time, knowing that its over.
But they cost money!! Between £6-8. To me, it's good to buy it and read it all, but a bargin to let it last. I dunno, I think I use my literal thinking, saying if I reach the end of the chapter, that's the end of that part. Like eating a loaf of bread. You can't eat the whole thing, but it's split into slices to help you eat a certain amount. (WTF Chaz?!)

Ushio said:
Manga Girls wrote:
There is a kind of freedom that I find in manga that I don't think I have found anywhere else.

I'm in agreement here. I like the fact manga goes places other comics daren't. I like stories which take risks and push the boundaries in terms of characterization as well as content. (they're also fun to read innit!)
Yeah. You can only text-read certain things, but with pictures you can show a lot more and more precise. That leaves it open to lots of different directions.
It's hard to pin point exactly why I like manga above other comic styles... I was trying to reason out the other day what it is about it that appeals above European and American offerings. For me it's about its styles, its flow and its stories.

Also, the stuff I read appeals because it's based around relatively normal people being presented with something weird/wonderful/fantastical to overcome and them raising to the challenge, and not having some over muscled do-gooder coming to save the day, yet again.

Plus, I love science fiction & fantasy and I’m well catered for.

When a story captivates me, I'm quite happy to sit and read for 4 or 5 hours. A single volume would take about 35-50 minutes to read dependant on how complex/text heavy the story is.
i prefer the artwork in manga to comics, also i find that the story from them pulls me more into the manga making me want to read more. I do like a good novel from time to time, but i read way more manga than i do novels or books of any other kind.
Some because I am genuinely hooked to the story (Case Closed, Naruto) and because I love how the art differs in each series!
Manga to anime is often like book to film. The book is quite often better than the adaption.
I love to read books, and manga is just a book that uses picture instead of description, which also makes them alot easier and quicker to read.
Manga has great artwork, lovely bishies, and has far more in-depth and varied stories than their Western counterparts.
Plus theres a good deal of Shoujo out there, more than there is in anime. I do love a good romance, and you don't get much better than Shoujo manga
Charter_Mage said:
Manga to anime is often like book to film. The book is quite often better than the adaption.
I love to read books, and manga is just a book that uses picture instead of description, which also makes them alot easier and quicker to read.
Manga has great artwork, lovely bishies, and has far more in-depth and varied stories than their Western counterparts.
Plus theres a good deal of Shoujo out there, more than there is in anime. I do love a good romance, and you don't get much better than Shoujo manga
Not sure I could have put it better myself.
(perhaps minus the bishies - not qualified to comment on them :wink:)

As far as comparing manga to books; with the combination of words and pictures I think a well-written manga often provides a more vivid experience – books can seem a bit fuzzy in comparison having to use woolly words all the time to describe every situation and emotion – a freeze frame close up of a characters face in a manga can tell you instantly what they are feeling/thinking.
Its could be something particular to Shoujo, but the manga creators seem to have this knack of distilling their tales down to the pure emotions that arise in the interaction of the characters.

Comparing to film/live-action, manga has the great advantage in its ability to time interaction and events to absolute perfection, something that only the best films/directors achieve in live action.
Animation of course can has the ability to achieve the same thing, but perhaps there is something in the fact that you play an active role in that timing when you read a manga that enhances the experience, just like the difference between passively watching a film verses actively reading and immersing yourself in a book.

Put more simply, perhaps manga has the best of both worlds, somewhere between a book and a film.
I guess i like manga because the art style is more appealing than comics, also like to try and read manga that i have already watched the anime to.

Never used to read books before, but the story lines in some of the recent manga i have read have got me hooked :)