Where Have All The Extras Gone?


Combat Butler
Yo was going to put this in the anime section but it ended up being a rant about all kinds of dvds in general.So I am putting it in here.Has anyone else out there noticed a worrying trend in home entertainment releases? I’m referring to the growing lack of extra features on DVDs. They’re all being stuck on the Blu-ray releases instead and the DVD format is being pushed to the side like Christmas socks in January. Blu-ray is getting all the love.

I realise that it’s a tactic by the film companies; they want us buying the Blu-rays, so they put all the extra bits on them to make them a bit more enticing. The DVD format is suffering as a result; even the two-disc special editions of DVD releases are getting short shrift these days…

Removing content from one format in favour of the other is a pretty mercenary thing to do. It gives the more discerning consumer less choice and less choice is always going to piss people off.

I understand the business thinking behind it. I don’t like it, but I do understand it. Blu-ray is the new technology; they charge us a little bit more for it. They want to push the Blu-ray format. It’s the new kid on the block that was designed to supersede DVD. The technology is gives better picture quality and you can get more data on the disc, so there’s always the prospect of getting more for your money on a Blu-ray. But Blu-ray sales have never been as good as companies want and show no signs of catching the numbers of DVD sales, at least in the stats I was able to find.

It would seem a lot of people just aren’t buying into the HD thing as much as the people selling it would like.

With this new technology coming so soon after DVD swept the world, most people have only just replaced all their video collections and are happy with DVDs.

The difference in price of players and individual Blu-ray films, while becoming cheaper all the time, is is still wide enough to stop Blu-rays becoming the number one choice. They’re simply not as enticing as the film companies would like.

Given the choice, I’m happy to stick with my DVDs for the time being. I have a perfectly good DVD player and I’m happy with the technology. I have loads of DVDs and I have no problem with the picture quality. I’m not being a Luddite; I know all about up-scaling and I do intend to make the Blu-ray leap at some point, probably when my current DVD player dies a death. What I don’t like is having the choice taken away from me; I don’t like the feeling of being pushed into it. I love films, I buy lots of films and I’m really interested in the extras and all the background stuff and I love commentaries. Having them taken away from my chosen format is a kick in the teeth.

A new item on the shelves is the Triple Play format. Now, this is a really cynical product. You get the DVD, the Blu-ray and a digital copy (which I for one have never used – I have a great big TV, why would I want to watch the film on my laptop?). All well and good, you might say. Everything in one neat package. But the thing about the triple pack is it’s more expensive than the individual DVD or Blu-ray release and you still get the majority of the extras only on the Blu-ray. If you’re getting the Blu-ray then you obviously have a Blu-ray player, so why do you need the DVD? And if you’re still a DVD user then you’re buying a Blu-ray and those ever elusive extras on a format you can’t play. Whether you’re a DVD or a Blu-ray player owner, you’re definitely being tempted to buy something that you either don’t need or you can’t play.

Another thing I’ve noticed this past month is the lack of commentaries on several new releases. DVD releases of X-Men: First Class, Captain America and Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, amongst other, all came minus a commentary – or with very little else – while the Blu-rays are jam-packed with extra goodies. This, for m,e is a step too far. I love the commentaries. If I’m pushed I can do without the making-of documentaries, deleted scenes and the group back-patting that often count as extras. But the commentaries are something I really would miss. Again I feel like I’m being forced to make the leap to Blu-ray and I’m not happy about that at all.

I don’t see the DVD format disappearing anytime soon. Shops still have far more DVDs than Blu-rays on their shelves. Films and TV are still being released on both formats and even while Blu-ray sales are increasing and also getting cheaper, they’re still behind sales of DVDs, so whether this tactic will actually work remains to be seen. But it’s certainly got me thinking about getting a Blu-ray player sooner rather than later. But what can we do? There doesn’t seem to be anything we can do. If we really love our extras then we have to join the Blu-ray gang don’t we? As I said earlier this tactic makes me not want to move to Blu-ray because I want the choice to be mine and not something forced upon me by some cynical sales tactic dreamed up by suits.

So, what do you think about this move? Am I over reacting? Does this attempt at sidelining the DVD format bother you? Does this move by the film companies pee you off? Are you happy to stick with DVD even while losing some of the extras? Or are you willing to make the leap to Blu-Ray to keep all the bonus features? Did you get a Blu-Ray player for Christmas?
DVD can die now for all I care, I have a BD player.


I'm not particularly bothered about extras either. It might seem better to have them than not, but I rarely get round to watching them unless it's something I really like and am truly interested in the making of (I think the only discs I've watched all the extras on are Blade Runner, The Godfather and the Star Trek films). Triple plays I dislike because I get a pointless DVD I'll never watch (and more annoyingly, a massive TRIPLE PLAY banner which ruins the cover art). For non-anime releases I've taken to waiting for a single disc BD release with unmolested artwork.

I think the sensible thing to do if you like film and television is to buy a BD player. They don't cost much more now than DVD players did prior to the introduction of Blu-ray (nor do the discs themselves) and you can buy BDs and Combi packs knowing that when the time comes to replace your TV (if your current TV is standard definition) your viewing experience will get a whole lot better.
ayase said:
Triple plays I dislike because I get a pointless DVD I'll never watch (and more annoyingly, a massive TRIPLE PLAY banner which ruins the cover art). For non-anime releases I've taken to waiting for a single disc BD release with unmolested artwork.

For me I don't care about the extra disc but the banners do annoy the hell out of me.

I think the sensible thing to do if you like film and television is to buy a BD player.

I second this.

The way I see it is, if you're interested in film, to the point where you care about the extra material, then Blu-ray is going to be of benefit to you. Blu-rays have evolved into the restaurant of home entertainment, whereas DVD has become fast food. If you want all the fancy trimmings and nicer quality, go blu, if you just want to eat the damn thing without all the fuss at a low price, then go DVD.

The way I buy films these days is: Blu-ray for AAA titles I really love and DVD for titles where I liked the film, but not so much that the difference in quality matters to me that much. Frankly I wish that none of my DVDs had extras in most cases as I only ever watch deleted scenes and outtakes, occassionally I will put a commentary on in the background if I'm doing something else, but "making of" stuff rarely interests me.
i would 100% would get a blu-ray player i really would but i have a few reasons why i haven't got 1

1. trying to find one that i can unlock region free
2. finding a cheap one
3. buying the blu-ray dvds cost more so if i had a choice id choose the dvds, but if the blu-rays have extras like OVAs outtakes ect, il choose the blu-ray.
I don't mind some of the double feature blu rays, as I watch most of my anime on my laptop/desktop (I like using earphones) so I have the blu ray for "Ooooh purty" when I watch, and a DVD to rewatch on my computer at a later date :D Of course so far the only thing in this category is Evangelion 2.22. But I'm thinking of doing the same for Redline

But I have to admit, I don't know if I've ever watched a special feature on an anime DVD.

Is "Interactive menu" still considered a special feature?
I actually asked my older brother who works at HMV in Piccadilly Circus about whether he seems more people buying a film on DVD or Blu-Ray when he's on the checkouts. He told me that he sees more people buying the Blu-Ray.

In regards to double packs - I own two right now; the two Fairy Tail volumes. I like that because the only HD-ready TV in the house is downstairs (well, one upstairs until my brother sold his PS3 because he blew his money on designer clothes and trips to London to pamper his girlfriend 9.9). So if I want to watch something while others are out, it's BD. If I want to watch it on my own, it's DVD. I assume double play releases will stop once blu-ray takes off in full force. The only thing I want is for them to stop making them the same height as DVDs...

Personally, when a DVD/BD release comes out, I'll buy the Blu-ray by default. I currently own 19 blu-rays; 10 of them being anime (Although if we're talking about actual releases, excluding separate releases in boxsets, it's 7 anime titles, 2 non-anime). However, for me to get a blu-ray of something I already own on DVD? Takes a lot of thought. I know I'll be double dipping for K-ON! (unless MangaUK have cancelled it), but I'm still not convinced about whether I should double-dip with say, the Evangelion movies.

With extras, I honestly don't care much about them. It's nice to have them there and I appreciate that some people do like them, so having there is a plus. Honestly though, the only times I can remember watching audio commentaries and stuff was with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail.

Otaku-san said:
Rui said:
Hey, AF17, don't you post from your PS3? Then you already have a blu-ray player!


I heard it also plays games
Wait, there are games for the PS3?
yeah your right your 100% right but i want blu-ray dvds thats not region 2, i tried playing a region 1 dvd on my ps3 and it wouldn't work. now unless you guys know how to unlock my ps3 to a region free il be grateful.

anyway i dont like using my ps3 to play dvds cause the fans get to loud and i play all my dvds on a dvd player.

any ways dose anyone here knows what model blu-ray player can be unlocked and which stores to check. il check at merry hill in (Best Buy) (Comet) (Currys / PC World Mega Store)

P,S oh ha ha very funny i didn't know ps3 played games
Don't worry AF, I don't even have an HD TV! I have a PS3 though, but some games are almost unplayable without a bloody HD TV. Try playing Mirrors Edge or reading the subtitles in Yakuza 3 with a good ol big back, you'll see what I mean. Us big back TV guys are the last of a dying breed...:(

And while we're on the subject, you know what phone I'm rocking? A Samsung D500 from 2005! Chyea, what you know bout that! Just keeping it real, baby. Psssh, you won't see me masturbating a smart phone on the train.
Joshawott said:
I actually asked my older brother who works at HMV in Piccadilly Circus about whether he seems more people buying a film on DVD or Blu-Ray when he's on the checkouts. He told me that he sees more people buying the Blu-Ray.

In regards to double packs - I own two right now; the two Fairy Tail volumes. I like that because the only HD-ready TV in the house is downstairs (well, one upstairs until my brother sold his PS3 because he blew his money on designer clothes and trips to London to pamper his girlfriend 9.9). So if I want to watch something while others are out, it's BD. If I want to watch it on my own, it's DVD. I assume double play releases will stop once blu-ray takes off in full force. The only thing I want is for them to stop making them the same height as DVDs...

Personally, when a DVD/BD release comes out, I'll buy the Blu-ray by default. I currently own 19 blu-rays; 10 of them being anime (Although if we're talking about actual releases, excluding separate releases in boxsets, it's 7 anime titles, 2 non-anime). However, for me to get a blu-ray of something I already own on DVD? Takes a lot of thought. I know I'll be double dipping for K-ON! (unless MangaUK have cancelled it), but I'm still not convinced about whether I should double-dip with say, the Evangelion movies.

With extras, I honestly don't care much about them. It's nice to have them there and I appreciate that some people do like them, so having there is a plus. Honestly though, the only times I can remember watching audio commentaries and stuff was with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail.

Otaku-san said:
Rui said:
Hey, AF17, don't you post from your PS3? Then you already have a blu-ray player!


I heard it also plays games
Wait, there are games for the PS3?
PS Vita has no gaems trolololololololol
Don't use my PS3 for blu-rays and don't intend doing so. As far as I'm concerned it's for playing games only.

As for extras - I don't count trailers, interactive menus or clean op/eds as extras. I only count the likes of art, commentaries, and other Japanese only extras (currently watching Ramen Fighter Miki and the two main VAs have been set 10 challenges for a prize and the first challenge was Jenga and it took around 20 minutes for one of them to make a mistake).
Maxon said:
Joshawott said:
I actually asked my older brother who works at HMV in Piccadilly Circus about whether he seems more people buying a film on DVD or Blu-Ray when he's on the checkouts. He told me that he sees more people buying the Blu-Ray.

In regards to double packs - I own two right now; the two Fairy Tail volumes. I like that because the only HD-ready TV in the house is downstairs (well, one upstairs until my brother sold his PS3 because he blew his money on designer clothes and trips to London to pamper his girlfriend 9.9). So if I want to watch something while others are out, it's BD. If I want to watch it on my own, it's DVD. I assume double play releases will stop once blu-ray takes off in full force. The only thing I want is for them to stop making them the same height as DVDs...

Personally, when a DVD/BD release comes out, I'll buy the Blu-ray by default. I currently own 19 blu-rays; 10 of them being anime (Although if we're talking about actual releases, excluding separate releases in boxsets, it's 7 anime titles, 2 non-anime). However, for me to get a blu-ray of something I already own on DVD? Takes a lot of thought. I know I'll be double dipping for K-ON! (unless MangaUK have cancelled it), but I'm still not convinced about whether I should double-dip with say, the Evangelion movies.

With extras, I honestly don't care much about them. It's nice to have them there and I appreciate that some people do like them, so having there is a plus. Honestly though, the only times I can remember watching audio commentaries and stuff was with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail.

Otaku-san said:
Rui said:
Hey, AF17, don't you post from your PS3? Then you already have a blu-ray player!


I heard it also plays games
Wait, there are games for the PS3?
PS Vita has no gaems trolololololololol
I don't get it. Neither of them. PS3 is the leading games system at the moment aside from being a Blu-Ray player, and the PS Vita isn't even out here yet, but has a nice selection of launch titles already. Trolling is supposed to be funny or provocative, but that just made you look stupid. :/
Here's another one: The Arrietty blu-ray has a load of extras, like storyboards and interviews with Miyazaki and some of the English dub cast. The DVD doesn't. Even with the BD/DVD combi, the DVD doesn't have them.

Mutsumi said:
Maxon said:
Joshawott said:
I actually asked my older brother who works at HMV in Piccadilly Circus about whether he seems more people buying a film on DVD or Blu-Ray when he's on the checkouts. He told me that he sees more people buying the Blu-Ray.

In regards to double packs - I own two right now; the two Fairy Tail volumes. I like that because the only HD-ready TV in the house is downstairs (well, one upstairs until my brother sold his PS3 because he blew his money on designer clothes and trips to London to pamper his girlfriend 9.9). So if I want to watch something while others are out, it's BD. If I want to watch it on my own, it's DVD. I assume double play releases will stop once blu-ray takes off in full force. The only thing I want is for them to stop making them the same height as DVDs...

Personally, when a DVD/BD release comes out, I'll buy the Blu-ray by default. I currently own 19 blu-rays; 10 of them being anime (Although if we're talking about actual releases, excluding separate releases in boxsets, it's 7 anime titles, 2 non-anime). However, for me to get a blu-ray of something I already own on DVD? Takes a lot of thought. I know I'll be double dipping for K-ON! (unless MangaUK have cancelled it), but I'm still not convinced about whether I should double-dip with say, the Evangelion movies.

With extras, I honestly don't care much about them. It's nice to have them there and I appreciate that some people do like them, so having there is a plus. Honestly though, the only times I can remember watching audio commentaries and stuff was with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail.

Otaku-san said:
Rui said:
Hey, AF17, don't you post from your PS3? Then you already have a blu-ray player!


I heard it also plays games
Wait, there are games for the PS3?
PS Vita has no gaems trolololololololol
I don't get it. Neither of them. PS3 is the leading games system at the moment aside from being a Blu-Ray player, and the PS Vita isn't even out here yet, but has a nice selection of launch titles already. Trolling is supposed to be funny or provocative, but that just made you look stupid. :/
I thought that going by system sales alone, that the Wii was making more money? Saying that...how many games are out for the PlayStation 3 that aren't also available on the PC or Xbox360?

EDIT: Sales wise, Wii is kicking PS3's butt and in December 2011 alone, the 3DS kicked the Vita's butt (to be fair though, the Vita had only been out for two weeks of that period).

here's another link to PS3 vs Wii vs 360 sales.
Joshawott said:
Here's another one: The Arrietty blu-ray has a load of extras, like storyboards and interviews with Miyazaki and some of the English dub cast. The DVD doesn't. Even with the BD/DVD combi, the DVD doesn't have them.

Mutsumi said:
Maxon said:
Joshawott said:
I actually asked my older brother who works at HMV in Piccadilly Circus about whether he seems more people buying a film on DVD or Blu-Ray when he's on the checkouts. He told me that he sees more people buying the Blu-Ray.

In regards to double packs - I own two right now; the two Fairy Tail volumes. I like that because the only HD-ready TV in the house is downstairs (well, one upstairs until my brother sold his PS3 because he blew his money on designer clothes and trips to London to pamper his girlfriend 9.9). So if I want to watch something while others are out, it's BD. If I want to watch it on my own, it's DVD. I assume double play releases will stop once blu-ray takes off in full force. The only thing I want is for them to stop making them the same height as DVDs...

Personally, when a DVD/BD release comes out, I'll buy the Blu-ray by default. I currently own 19 blu-rays; 10 of them being anime (Although if we're talking about actual releases, excluding separate releases in boxsets, it's 7 anime titles, 2 non-anime). However, for me to get a blu-ray of something I already own on DVD? Takes a lot of thought. I know I'll be double dipping for K-ON! (unless MangaUK have cancelled it), but I'm still not convinced about whether I should double-dip with say, the Evangelion movies.

With extras, I honestly don't care much about them. It's nice to have them there and I appreciate that some people do like them, so having there is a plus. Honestly though, the only times I can remember watching audio commentaries and stuff was with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail.

Otaku-san said:
Rui said:
Hey, AF17, don't you post from your PS3? Then you already have a blu-ray player!


I heard it also plays games
Wait, there are games for the PS3?
PS Vita has no gaems trolololololololol
I don't get it. Neither of them. PS3 is the leading games system at the moment aside from being a Blu-Ray player, and the PS Vita isn't even out here yet, but has a nice selection of launch titles already. Trolling is supposed to be funny or provocative, but that just made you look stupid. :/
I thought that going by system sales alone, that the Wii was making more money? Saying that...how many games are out for the PlayStation 3 that aren't also available on the PC or Xbox360?

EDIT: Sales wise, Wii is kicking PS3's butt and in December 2011 alone, the 3DS kicked the Vita's butt (to be fair though, the Vita had only been out for two weeks of that period).

here's another link to PS3 vs Wii vs 360 sales.

That fact that the Wii has sold more than the PS3 is irrelevant, as the success of the PS3 compared to the Wii played no part in the point I was making. You have failed to address my point. My points are as follows:

Joshawott said:
Wait, there are games for the PS3?
This comment makes no sense. Too rubbish to be a joke, to bland to be trolling. What point are you trying to make with this?

Maxon said:
PS Vita has no gaems trolololololololol
As with the previous example, this comment makes no sense. Too rubbish to be a joke, to bland to be trolling. What point are you trying to make with this?
Joshawott said:
Here's another one: The Arrietty blu-ray has a load of extras, like storyboards and interviews with Miyazaki and some of the English dub cast. The DVD doesn't. Even with the BD/DVD combi, the DVD doesn't have them.

Mutsumi said:
Maxon said:
Joshawott said:
I actually asked my older brother who works at HMV in Piccadilly Circus about whether he seems more people buying a film on DVD or Blu-Ray when he's on the checkouts. He told me that he sees more people buying the Blu-Ray.

In regards to double packs - I own two right now; the two Fairy Tail volumes. I like that because the only HD-ready TV in the house is downstairs (well, one upstairs until my brother sold his PS3 because he blew his money on designer clothes and trips to London to pamper his girlfriend 9.9). So if I want to watch something while others are out, it's BD. If I want to watch it on my own, it's DVD. I assume double play releases will stop once blu-ray takes off in full force. The only thing I want is for them to stop making them the same height as DVDs...

Personally, when a DVD/BD release comes out, I'll buy the Blu-ray by default. I currently own 19 blu-rays; 10 of them being anime (Although if we're talking about actual releases, excluding separate releases in boxsets, it's 7 anime titles, 2 non-anime). However, for me to get a blu-ray of something I already own on DVD? Takes a lot of thought. I know I'll be double dipping for K-ON! (unless MangaUK have cancelled it), but I'm still not convinced about whether I should double-dip with say, the Evangelion movies.

With extras, I honestly don't care much about them. It's nice to have them there and I appreciate that some people do like them, so having there is a plus. Honestly though, the only times I can remember watching audio commentaries and stuff was with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fairy Tail.

Otaku-san said:
Rui said:
Hey, AF17, don't you post from your PS3? Then you already have a blu-ray player!


I heard it also plays games
Wait, there are games for the PS3?
PS Vita has no gaems trolololololololol
I don't get it. Neither of them. PS3 is the leading games system at the moment aside from being a Blu-Ray player, and the PS Vita isn't even out here yet, but has a nice selection of launch titles already. Trolling is supposed to be funny or provocative, but that just made you look stupid. :/
I thought that going by system sales alone, that the Wii was making more money? Saying that...how many games are out for the PlayStation 3 that aren't also available on the PC or Xbox360?

EDIT: Sales wise, Wii is kicking PS3's butt and in December 2011 alone, the 3DS kicked the Vita's butt (to be fair though, the Vita had only been out for two weeks of that period).

here's another link to PS3 vs Wii vs 360 sales.

There was an IGN article stating that the sales for 3DS and Vita's first two weeks at launch still showed a landslide victory for 3DS. While the first week was relatively close, Vita's sales dropped into 5 figures 70k something units shipped, while in the 3DS's second week it was still 135k or something like that.

Frankly I'm not fond of either though, and the 3DS is still not exactly selling like hotcakes itself.
Well, the 3DS sales for December have beat a 15-year record - selling just under 1.5million units in December alone. Since the price-drop in August, the 3DS sales have shot up. The 3DS has beat the DS' 12-month sales number in 8 months and Black Friday in America saw a significant rise in sales as well.

The 3DS was also the top selling console in Japan in 2011, with 4million units sold.

In regards the 3DS and Vita's first 2-day sales, the Vita sold 321,407 units, whereas the 3DS sold 371,326 units, so it was pretty close.
It will be interesting to see if Nintendo build their usual profit margin into the price of the WiiU, or if the success of the 3DS at a reduced price point will encourage them to be a little more competitive.


Rui said:
Hey, AF17, don't you post from your PS3? Then you already have a blu-ray player!
loooool, how did I miss this.