Where Do all you Anime/MANGA fans live?


Stand User
Just wondering where everyone you Anime/Manga fans lives, as it might be funny some of the forum members maybe be just living a few miles away from each other or even few streets away LOL.

Myself I live in the West Midlands in Stourbridge which is about 13.5 miles away from Birmingham.
Where it says under the "Location" heading on our profiles. ;)

You can guess mine (easily) or you can Google it. I like to supply a bit of pretentious intrigue. Wikipedia is doing badly in the search rankings I see, my profile on AUKN comes out top. :D
I like maps, so I decided to plot our locations and will update this as people post. I know where some other members live, but won't add anyone who doesn't reply in this thread (they might not want people knowing). If you gave a County name (memorium, Uppa) your pin is slap bang in the middle of your County.

Edit: Sorry skikes, a few minutes late to make map No.1 :p