i must of been 11-14 years old and one night i was fliping though the channels and then i went past the sci-fi channel and i caught i glimpse on a animation and i went back on the sci-fi channel ( sci-fi used to be cool ) and it only just started and it was around 11.00 ( i couldn't sleep for some reason ) and the name of this anime was Violence Jack hell town the first 5 min was ok, but the after the 6th min my world changed for ever there was blood, swearing, children being killed, murders , rape, and after watching the first episode i was like ........................ what the hell did i just watch....................... i was like silent for five mins and after that the next episode came on hells wind and then slum king, after it ended i was so hyped that i wanted more, we didn't have internet so i waited till the next anime on sci-fi came on and i watched alsorts violent animes and i freaking enjoyed it tokyo revaluations, Violence Jack, Adventure Kid, bubble gum crisis ( i liked that ), and so on