What manga are you reading now?

Chris Maxwell said:
Jus finished reading kill me kiss me vol 4.....gotta get vol 5 ^^
I really enjoyed the first volume of Kill Me Kiss Me, but i wasn't sure where the story could go after that, so i wasn't sure it would be any good :? .

Yesterday i read Suki volume 1, and 50 Rules For Teenagers volume 1, both were pretty decent and deserving of at least another volume of further reading :)
Yesterday i read Love Roma volume 1.
Despite the artworks less than adverage appearance i did quite enjoy the first volume of this, it delivered exactly what was promised 'A fun, romantic comedy...about the simple kind of relationships we all longed for when we were young.', and perhaps still long for ;)
Death Note #64. I'd stopped reading Death Note a while ago now, and I'm really glad to be back into it. It'll never be the same without L though! He made the whole damn thing.

I'm also brushing up on my Naruto manga. I haven't read it since they left on that first mission with Sai about six months ago. D:
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I was reading Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist 2. For some reason that's been taking me a lot time to get through and I've almost finished but it has been put to one side and displaced by the arrival of Case Closed 10
I'm now as far as the end of volume 4 of Lament of the Lamb. If you like your vampire tales character-driven and angsty rather than supernatural and gory, I highly recommend it. the vampiric incest kissing scenes would have creeped me out if they weren't in context. Some 'oo-er' moments but it's a great story. I must admit Kei Toume's artwork has grown on me in a big way.
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