what makes anime fans unique?

animefreak17 said:
sean morrison said:
What is everyday people though? Just because we watch cartoons doesnt mean we are different it is just a form of entertainment.
i guess......................... guess im depressed from what those little basterds said to me at college the other day.
i know to ignore them but sometimes it gets to ya ya know-
there always going on about -
how anime crap
im weird for watching them
being and thinking different to the other guys.
why cant you drive, why haven't you got a girlfriend.
i told them its non of you business.
these guys were so closed minded that the door was locked and bricked over. they hate anyone thats different from them.
Yeah, see, they probably wouldn't do that if you didn't talk about anime to people other than anime fans.
animefreak17 said:
sean morrison said:
Sorry to hear about the bother you have to put up with but keep the chin up their obviously just tools.
just hearing ......,well reading that puts a smile on my face. you dont know how happy i am to read that. thanks very much
You realise that you're the one coming here?
Jaymii is that to me or animefreak (I cant tell). If it's me i'm talking about the people who are giving him hassle in his college who are the tools.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I think in contrast sports fans are some of the worst for forcing their interests on people, directly or indirectly. I have zero interest in sports and they are all well aware of that but they always have to hijack the tv to check on a match or text their mates about the score when they come round. I'd never push someone off their own tv to see an episode of anime (obviously that's not an issue with no anime on tv, but the analogy stands).

Sports and anime are my two biggest interests, how would you like to pigeonhole me today? :p
Did you try to force your love on Anime onto them though? I mean... how do they even know? Unless you're wearing anime tee's to college everyday or something, or watching it during lesson/lecture (if you study infront of a PC).
Shirayuri said:
Did you try to force your love on Anime onto them though? I mean... how do they even know? Unless you're wearing anime tee's to college everyday or something, or watching it during lesson/lecture (if you study infront of a PC).
no not at all
all i was doing was reading one of my catalogues minding my own business looking what i wanted next then one of them came up to me and asked what i was doing and i said *looking at my catalogue*
and he said *what sort of catalogue* and i said *anime catalogue*. he looked at me with a face of discussed and said *how the hell can you watch that chinese ***** and i was like * its not chinese its japanese* and he goes i dont care what the f*** it is its tentacle toons f******. and i said no its not its more complicated then that. and he just walked off. then a few hours later he and a few of his mates was giving me grief and making fun of me i tried to explain about anime and hentai but all i got was *i dont care its all the same *so no i didn't
animefreak17 said:
Shirayuri said:
Did you try to force your love on Anime onto them though? I mean... how do they even know? Unless you're wearing anime tee's to college everyday or something, or watching it during lesson/lecture (if you study infront of a PC).
no not at all
all i was doing was reading one of my catalogues minding my own business looking what i wanted next then one of them came up to me and asked what i was doing and i said *looking at my catalogue*
and he said *what sort of catalogue* and i said *anime catalogue*. he looked at me with a face of discussed and said *how the hell can you watch that chinese ***** and i was like * its not chinese its japanese* and he goes i dont care what the f*** it is its tentacle toons f******. and i said no its not its more complicated then that. and he just walked off. then a few hours later he and a few of his mates was giving me grief and making fun of me i tried to explain about anime and hentai but all i got was *i dont care its all the same *so no i didn't
Yeah, but there's the problem.

First of all, don't read that in class/whatever.

Secondly, just be all like 'whatever, dude' in times like that. Remember: Don't feed the trolls.
ilmaestro said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I think in contrast sports fans are some of the worst for forcing their interests on people, directly or indirectly. I have zero interest in sports and they are all well aware of that but they always have to hijack the tv to check on a match or text their mates about the score when they come round. I'd never push someone off their own tv to see an episode of anime (obviously that's not an issue with no anime on tv, but the analogy stands).

Sports and anime are my two biggest interests, how would you like to pigeonhole me today? :p

*pinches bridge of nose* egh... I realise I didn't say what I meant in this case which was "all my friends who are sports fans" have done this, not ALL sports fans that have possibly existed in the entireity of ever. But the fact that sport seems to have such a hold over people is quite telling.

Jaymii said:
I always find the sport thing intriguing. I guess it's a primal difference. It'd be hilarious if there was a Talk:Entertainment radio station that dealt with anime, tv, films and internet-y stuff with the same passion.

Anime fandom makes me think of in-depth shipping fandoms a lot though. Insanely passion and ignore everything apart from whatever they're focused on. Basically quite annoying.

Lord I really find that irksome too. But then I don't really understand shipping in general so it's not for me to say.
to Paradox295 i was out side sitting on a bench in the corner at lunch time i know not to talk about towards other people unless you can see though people that does like anime
So? People do that in every fandom, whether it's live action cinema or literature or whatever. This is not unique to anime fans.

So, no. He does not have a point.
I think the Black Swan debacle is an unfortunate coincidence. I think had Aronofsky not bought the rights to Perfect Blue for Requiem I think people would write it off as coincidence, the fact he knows of the film, has seen it and OWNS it makes it much easier for people to say "j'accuse."

Frankly the only thing that grabs me about that article is: Will that book be released over here? I would love to get my hands on it.
Maxon said:
So? People do that in every fandom, whether it's live action cinema or literature or whatever. This is not unique to anime fans.

So, no. He does not have a point.
your right iv seen this with superman and DC fans.
*if its not superman or DC its not worth anything*
animefreak17 said:
Maxon said:
So? People do that in every fandom, whether it's live action cinema or literature or whatever. This is not unique to anime fans.

So, no. He does not have a point.
your right iv seen this with superman and DC fans.
*if its not superman or DC its not worth anything*

I think any fandom where there's a perceived "us" and "them" will have this kind of thing. Marvel vs DC, Xbox vs PS etc. Where two large companies or media or whatever are beloved exclusively from each other those factions will often bicker and bitch out the other. Often its simpler than that with "I like this, they don't, ergo I'm going to be a total dick to them" or vice versa. It's a sad fact that the internet kind of encourages this kind of behaviour thanks to the relative anonymity.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
animefreak17 said:
Maxon said:
So? People do that in every fandom, whether it's live action cinema or literature or whatever. This is not unique to anime fans.

So, no. He does not have a point.
your right iv seen this with superman and DC fans.
*if its not superman or DC its not worth anything*

I think any fandom where there's a perceived "us" and "them" will have this kind of thing. Marvel vs DC, Xbox vs PS etc. Where two large companies or media or whatever are beloved exclusively from each other those factions will often bicker and bitch out the other.
sonic vs mario lol yeah i know but one side trys to out do the other side to prove which ones the best.
but isn't that a good thing in a way, i mean if we didn't have Competition nothing would develop or get better............ it would be like vageta with out goku, vageta wants to stronger to beat goku
ya know.