what makes anime fans unique?


im not sure but...........
after watching anime for so long i see things different to other non fans of anime.
are we like the art critics that appropriates and admire art that others cant see.
i find my self at peace when i watch a series but thats just me.
i dont know..............

guys what do you think about this
to Lawrence- your mom sait that kind of trash................... i guess its understandable for someone to say something like that that doesn't know much about anime so il let it slide.

hey Lawrence - i love your sense of humor lol
anyway i have the same problem but when my mom and dad goes away i watch my animes on the big tv downstairs
To be blunt: Nothing. we are not special nor unique in any way, we are another by-product of the human condition and our extra interests are no more likely to serve the future of our race or prolong our own life in this miserable existence we currently eke out in a cold heartless world filled with hate and violence.

Just kidding =P Um, I guess if nothing else anime fans CAN be more open-minded to trying new things, less likely to write something off right away. I say CAN because...you know, fanboys...

I wouldn't say we're art critics by any means, even if you watch an artistic anime that doesn't mean you're appreciate of "the arts" any more than watching an artistic film does. It may widen your perspective slightly though so that counts for something.
-Anime fans are usually more annoying?

Stop trying to seperate anime fans from people who don't like anime. It's a form of entertainment, nothing more.
Paradox295 said:
-Anime fans are usually more annoying?

Stop trying to seperate anime fans from people who don't like anime. It's a form of entertainment, nothing more.
Totally agree with you there,and by god you hit the nail on the head when you said anime fans can be annoying,there is nothing wrong with being passionate about your interest but i,m also passionate about others things be it music,reading,tv you know life outside anime,now dont get me wrong alot of my time is spent on anime it is a massive part of my life but i dont think of myself different or unique from anyone else i dont try and force my love for anime on my friends as most of them have no interest in it just as i dont share there love for some of there hobbies be it football or whatever it is,we all have our love and hates,and some times especially in the sci-fi/anime scene there is no doubt it is full of some of the most arrogant people i have ever met with there holier than thou attitude to people outside the so-called scene or even towards there own fellow fans and it is these people that do the most damage to the overall image of anime,sci-fi fans in geneal.
I dont think anime fans are unique or different than anyone else although I dont know many but personally I feel I am the same as my friends who are not into anime.
Doraemon666 said:
i dont try and force my love for anime on my friends as most of them have no interest in it just as i dont share there love for some of there hobbies be it football or whatever it is,

I think in contrast sports fans are some of the worst for forcing their interests on people, directly or indirectly. I have zero interest in sports and they are all well aware of that but they always have to hijack the tv to check on a match or text their mates about the score when they come round. I'd never push someone off their own tv to see an episode of anime (obviously that's not an issue with no anime on tv, but the analogy stands).
I always find the sport thing intriguing. I guess it's a primal difference. It'd be hilarious if there was a Talk:Entertainment radio station that dealt with anime, tv, films and internet-y stuff with the same passion.

Anime fandom makes me think of in-depth shipping fandoms a lot though. Insanely passion and ignore everything apart from whatever they're focused on. Basically quite annoying. People on the fandom fringes/just getting into it are some of the more interesting anime fans, before their viewpoints are a tainted - either through cynicism or open-mindedness. Perhaps true of a lot of stuff though.

The fact that you found out about foreign cartoons, proceeded to watch them, and then think you're one of the elite is hilarious though.
Jaymii - lol not at all all im asking is that what makes us different from others im not saying any of that crap that were elites or were special or anything like that for crying out fing loud.
were different from everyday people. stop taking thing out of context
sean morrison said:
What is everyday people though? Just because we watch cartoons doesnt mean we are different it is just a form of entertainment.
i guess......................... guess im depressed from what those little basterds said to me at college the other day.
i know to ignore them but sometimes it gets to ya ya know-
there always going on about -
how anime crap
im weird for watching them
being and thinking different to the other guys.
why cant you drive, why haven't you got a girlfriend.
i told them its non of you business.
these guys were so closed minded that the door was locked and bricked over. they hate anyone thats different from them.
animefreak17 said:
im not saying any of that crap that were elites or were special or anything like that for crying out fing loud.
animefreak17 said:
were different from everyday people. stop taking thing out of context
So you're worse than normal people? Everything you say is the opposite of what you said the sentence before. So confusing.
Jaymii said:
animefreak17 said:
im not saying any of that crap that were elites or were special or anything like that for crying out fing loud.
animefreak17 said:
were different from everyday people. stop taking thing out of context
So you're worse than normal people? Everything you say is the opposite or what you said the sentence before. So confusing.
id like to think not
Why are people who watch anime different, bar the fact they watch anime? I'd like to think if I showed my friend Dragonball alongside The Wire they would stay the same person. You seem to suggest they would go Super Saiyan or something.
Jaymii said:
animefreak17 said:
im not saying any of that crap that were elites or were special or anything like that for crying out fing loud.
animefreak17 said:
were different from everyday people. stop taking thing out of context
So you're worse than normal people? Everything you say is the opposite of what you said the sentence before. So confusing.
asparagus syndrome
i have trouble thinking out my sentences
real bad memory
sean morrison said:
Sorry to hear about the bother you have to put up with but keep the chin up their obviously just tools.
just hearing ......,well reading that puts a smile on my face. you dont know how happy i am to read that. thanks very much