Jayme said:
I've wondered, What if something utterly ridiculous like Lucky Star had character designs as something like Genshiken, would it pick up a respected, intelligent fan-base like Genshiken fans or still a bumbling load of omgroflcopters loli-luvurz, like now.
The people who like the dialogue and characters would still like it, and those who like it for loli character designs (even though I heard lolicons don't like L*S much anyway, but hey) wouldn't like it any more. Obviously.
If they got banned? Well, it would suck, and suck hard. I mean, if they start banning certain harmless genres of cartoons just because a few people don't like them, the world is screwed.
Honestly, I think there's more visible dislike for them because they're
easy to dislike. Both types of shows have little merit beyond what they try to acomplish, and also have a propensity to attract certain types of fans who can be obnoxious (e.g. narutards).
Personally I'm generally neutral towards shounen stuff (not usually interested, but then it's not as if I have to watch it), and moe stuff... well, I'm not sure. I sometimes find it hard to tell what constitutes a moe show or not. I mean, I'm pretty sure Gunslinger Girl would qualify and I rather liked that. And I've enjoyed all of the Key adaptations by KyoAni so far. But then there's stuff like Moetan, which was awful.
Also... don't worry about the character battles. The distinction between people voting for a character because they're relatively well-developed and thought out, and people voting for a character because they're cool, is one of those things which'll never go away. Voting either way is fine I guess, but it's not that surprising to see people irked when a "cool" character beats a "well-developed" one... or vice versa. Since for the most part the categories are mutually exclusive, which leaves little room to meet in the middle.