Vampire Ninja
I just contacted who I bought it from, so in my case UP1 (And it was the first they had heard of this problem, did also mention I had seen a few others on Anime forums who also had missing stands to give them an idea it sounds like funimation forgot for multiple sets so wasn't a one off) and they then contacted Funimation. And funimation orginally sent back a generic "we are aware of it and working on it" to UP1 and they forwarded that too me. And actually prett quick-ish after that they had recieved standee replacement stock and they just emailed me saying will send out tomorrow (but it is almost a month since release/ sending out, so that probably gave Funimation some time to get producing some standee).Out of curiosity how did you acquire the standee for Plunderer?
Don't know if they just got one/for anyone who requested recently, or just got a box full for how ever many they bought in as stock
I just figured I would order some stuff with it and they can/could combine it in my order, especially as I was going to make that order sometime anyway, and save them having to pay extra for postage for a funimation error.
Also saw on here the odd people mention it, I wasn't even aware it was a problem at first as I hadn't gotten round to opening it. but if you ordered from MVM I think they just sent out replacements to anyone who bought it from them, which I saw WMD get, but was also the point where I realised I needed to check if mine had it missing (If I had to guess I assume they are all missing it)
We had a few customers contacting about missing the standee, so we contacted Funimation about it and they said it had gotten missed being put in. They sent us a batch, hence customers who ordered from us received it.
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