what did you do today ?

bleached my hair twice (three times in total including yesterday) then dyed it pink.Ummm the word coming to mind at the moment is 'mistake' to be honest.
Same here, although replace doughnut with fried eggs and beans. I also just had a couple paracetamol [sic], to get rid of this royal headache. I drank too much last night. x__x
Been making posters all day for college. Just got home and found a couple of volumes of manga had been delivered to my door :D
I revised for an exam, sat the exam and came home. Only one left to go and I'm done till September! Thank heavens. :roll:
Link100p said:
Martin said:
I revised for an exam, sat the exam and came home. Only one left to go and I'm done till September! Thank heavens. :roll:
What are you studying?
Applied biomedicine. I still have an exam to go plus a couple of bits of coursework to hand in but apart from that it's the end of my first year!