What are you watching right now

Just finished watching some romance film. The current one on SKY. I can't remember the name.

Oh wait it was. Failure to Launch. Pure crap
I turned Ghost In The Shell 2 on about an hour ago with every intention to watch it, then I sat down with food at the computer and haven't moved since :oops:!
voddas said:
McIcy said:
Due SOuth, 1st series is being shown on ITV3 :D

OMG! I used to love that programme. My sister would be sick with joy if she heard that. When is it starting? Or have I already missed it?

Today was episode 3 in the series its on in the mornings at about 11am

Currently watching Top Gear
right now im gonan go through the whole of sailor moon....0.0
erm probably cardcaptors!
start bleach!!!!! becasue i hear its the best
finish naruto
yeah thats about it for now ^.^