What are you watching right now

Hyaku said:
Jayme said:
Britain's Got Talent

Tis brilliant.

Now there's an oxymoron.

I'm watching Jurassic Park, for the 20-something'th time. >_>;

Sci-Fi definitely get their use out of JP. wouldn't mind seeing the other two once and a while though.

Watching Some Documentary, On Some Channel *changes channel*


Hannah Montana
Dad's Army

Jones - Why don't we chop off their trouser buttons?
Mainwaring - What's that?
Jones - If we chop off their trouser buttons and they try to run away, that would show something unusual.

Martin said:
Just watched Paul Merton in China.

Utterly, utterly facinating!

I've been meaning to watch that for a while now, but it's hard when you develop such an erratic sleeping pattern =[

I'm watching CSI Vegas =D