What are you listening to Now thread.

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It's probably a good idea not to ever listen to bad songs, because otherwise...
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Because Transformers has the most pumping soundtrack in the world
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Danzig - Am I Demon.
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Thousand suns album, more specifically the dvd of the live madrid gig they did, first dvd i've bought in a long time (thats not anime) Last LP one was probably the fratt party gig dvd they did.
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I dunno, its a good song don't get me wrong but its been going on forever. Surely other songs would have taken its place.

I'd have been less shocked seeing a guns n roses song in there, mainly because they where amazing. Evanescence's Open door album was the last one i bought and tbh i ended up giving that to my sister after about 3 days.
They've got a new album coming out soon, but I'd doubt that even the hardcore fans would actually care about it, unless you've been on hiatus for years there's no excuse to have such a large gap between albums, it just shows that they're either lazy or they're creatively bankrupt

Anyways, got some Psychobilly on at the moment, I don't know where I've gotten this sudden love for this kind of music from http://dickdynamiteandthedoppelgangers. ... uter-space
Hmm, didn't she get married? May have had a kid.

I know linking park took about 4 years between meteora and minutes to midnight, in that time they played gigs and festivals pretty much most of the time each year (one year they played 320 days out of 365 days. complete dedication to the gigs) Brought out the road to revolution live album inbetween the minutes to midnight and thousand suns albums. Its just a case of knowing what your favourite band is doing. For the most part i've kept upto date with LP since they made it with hybrid theory back in 2000-2001. going back and hunting down their music from when they where Xero.

Maybe Evanescence has just been touring, had a kid, or creating new songs, had a dead in the family. Or merely lazy :/
If they're new album sounds anything like the last two, then I'll go with plain lazy, the main thing about Linkin Park is that they've completely overhauled their sound when they recorded Minutes to Midnight, that and family stuff I can accept
So do you prefer the newer sound of Linkin Park or the Nu Metal sound they had?

The gig i went to, they played songs from all albums (except reanimation and collision course) and all of them where played just as kick ass as each other, mixing them up very well, im not sure if its on the itunes store yet or not, but its free to watch if you want to watch it.
It's alright, it's not anything like Hybrid Theory or Meteora, but it's not mean to be, a band that changes their sound every now and then is better than a band that churns out the same album all the time
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