What are you happy and/or pissed off about today?


I'm happy because my Motoko figures came earlier on. 8)

However, getting conned into buying the 'awesome' egg-custard tarts from Martins, only to find they taste like flambe'd Guano was a kick in the stones.

I'm happy, because I'm counting down to my birthday on Friday. =]
However, I'm annoyed at the fact I have to write two thousand word essays for Tuesday. =[
Happy, i have a job and a new alarm clock

pissed off - my old alarm clock almost made me late for my job and with only half a slice of toast
Happy- Some parts of my life are finally starting to look up, plus i got back in touch with a friend who i haven't spoke to in a good while

Pissed off- The amount of uni work i have to before the end of next week, plus a presentation :(
Happy - Went go-karting tonite & forced my brother out of the Tournament, 3 way collision resulting in a wipe out on his end, in the Quarter finals, heh heh :lol:

Pissed Off - That i just can't seemed to get any luck asking this girl i like out
Happy - its nearly the weekend!

Pissed Off - going to college today and i have 2 hours to complete like 3 assignments... wish me luck :D
Happy - Day off! Won some doujins on eBay, and getting paid today!

Pissed off - It's 70-90MPH severe gales and I have to go out later :| I also already hurt my ankle today because of the stupid wind too :(
Happy- things moving forward with my group uni work, also going out tonight

pissed off- One guy in the group who seems to think he can make all the big decisions :x
Happy - I got an A in a practice exam =]
But more importantly Gears of War on PC is coming out =D

Pissed off- I can't always stay awake to talk to my friend
Not really any happy events today... :(

Pissed off because my final piece is taking MUCH longer than I anticipated, and it took me ages to get home, leaving me about 30 minutes until I have to go to work.

I'm happy cos I'm seeing my boyfriend tomorrow

I'm pissed off 'cos some guy at college keeps hitting on me even though I've told him repeatedly that I have a boyfriend. He's annoying D<
I'm Soo HAPPY it's the nearly the weekend!!!!

Unhappy as I have complaints duty today. AND I forgot my hidden ear-plugs ¬_¬
Happy- It's friday...you figure it out :p plus had a nice night out with my gf las night

pissed off- it being friday means that the afternoon bus service becomes more messed up then usual and me waiting 30 mins for a bus that was 15 mins late in the first place. Thanks for that Arriva :cry: