Viz manga coming to the UK?

Well its a good sign that more manga is coming to the UK for sure. Not particularly interested in any of those titles other than Fushigi Yugi , which ill probably just buy from United publications when I get round to it anyway.
... So youll get the import from UP1, instead of supporting a Publishers first steps into the worl of manga? k....

Ive already got Yu-Gi-Oh! vol 1-7, but i probably wont be starting collecting the series for a while, by then the UK release will be out lol.

I will pick up Case Closed and probably Fushigi Yugi though.
I don't really think of the UK and US manga markets as being separate, as it's much easier to buy US manga than anime (especially as I buy it all online anyway).

I do applaud the effort, though, and will do my best to support them when I can. I'm not overly enthused about any of those titles, though. Then again, if I were I'd probably already have them, so I suppose it's a good thing. I'm also not looking forward to the task of distinguishing the US and UK releases on Amazon...
I'll support them by buying Fushigi Yugi and Case Closed seeing as I dont know much about either series, Its pretty damn good news tho, also were will they be selling apart from obvious places like comic book stores etc.
My main reason for buying from UP is because I dont have a credit card and UP except other payment methods, and it has a huge selection of titles. Certainly not going to wander to a UK bookshop on the off chance of finding a title I want.
Like Colin I dont particularly see the US and UK manga markets as different and US manga is far easier to get hold of online.
It's nice to see Fushigi Yuugi as part of the list! I have it all already and the other titles don't interest me in the least but it is a good sign that even Viz think it's viable to branch out into the UK!!

BTW anyone who is thinking of buying Fushigi Yuugi should also get Alice 19th! I read the first 4 volumes yesterday and it is absolutely fantastic! The male character "Kyo" is as gorgeous as Tamahome :twisted:
ooooh.... genuine UK version of Manga titles? Fushigi Yuugi among them? Am I sold on this idea? YES I AM!!!!

Not too interested in the other titles, but this is another step forward for Anime/Manga in the UK... I'll specifically seek out the UK versions of FY. It'll help me atone for having downloaded all the episodes of the Anime ^^. (BTW, how many volumes does FY run to?)
these titles don't ring a bell with me, but if it means other viz titles like Nausicaa and NGE are easier to obtain, it can only be a good thing. viz have had UK distribution problems for a while now, so it's good to see they are on their way to being resolved at last.
i think i will pick up Fushigi Yuugi when its out as i loved the serie so much but i have way to many ofther things to get beofre getting any of the others.
kupoartist said:
I'll specifically seek out the UK versions of FY. It'll help me atone for having downloaded all the episodes of the Anime ^^. (BTW, how many volumes does FY run to?)
There are 16 volumes. It runs like the anime, as it's split into 2 halves, 8 for each story arc.
I allready have Dragon Ball V1, so I might get the rest of the volumes from them. If I can find them in the shops I might look into case closed and Fushigi Yugi. But no ******* way and am I buying YGO :lol:
I can't say any of these titles are anything I want to get other than perhaps Fushigi Yugi but the fact that they are cheaper than most other titles (£4.99) is a bonus I guess.

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