video game


What video game do you recommend for a good story? I like to play video games while my girlfriend watches, because she's not good at playing them herself. It's like an interactive movie. I've played the entire Zelda series for her, and Bioshock, and now we're working on Halflife 2.
he wants a game with a good story stu!

i second the Final Fantasies, and the entire Metal Gear Solid quadrilogy (assuming you have a PS2 or a PS3 with Backwards Compatability)

Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is worth checking out as well, although most Elder Scrolls fans would say Morrowind is better, i assume you use a PC for a gaming platform as well so pick up either of them

Blazblue: Calamity Trigger also has a good story, and it's really addictive, Mass Effect 1 & 2 as well

any of the Silent Hill games, especially the second, the entire Legacy of Kain series is also a good bet if you're looking for a really complicated, intricate and sophisticated story

most of these you can probably pick up for about £5-£20 nowdays
Some suggestions...

Silent Hill 2.

Max Payne (the first one).

Uncharted 2.

House of the Dead: Overkill (for the ice cream truck scene alone).

Gitaroo Man.

Killer 7.


Phoenix Wright trilogy.
diptila said:
It's like an interactive movie.
Then anything Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil spring to mind, but FF games tend to be a little too long for that purpose.

Though you did ask for good stories. And you've already played two of the few games that phrase can even remotely be applied to.

Maybe Mass Effect. More non-gamers need to see that series... but again, an RPG. I'd definitely avoid anything in that 20+ hour range (so, most of what everyone else has already said).
Heavy Rain is a good call, Braid would be another one, Portal as long as you're capable of understanding the fact that it tells a good story (also having played HL2 will make Portal more enjoyable story-wise).