Video Game Wish lists

Yeah, seriously...why trawl through two-year-old threads of people looking forward to Shadow The Hedgehog and scrapped GameCube games that haven't been posted in for a year and a half when we could have something like...kinda current? :-/
Aaron said:
Yeah, seriously...why trawl through two-year-old threads... ...when we could have something like...kinda current? :-/

I agree here if the amount of pages are just O.T.T. Look at some of the animè sections on this forum. I wouldn't even bother trawling through them myself.

But if its something like a measly fifteen - twenty pages what harm would it do? I found when I joined this forum some topics that I found useful just because I took five minutes time out to explore the forum a bit. And it doesn't mean you have to renew them, but there are subjects that can be renewed and still be "kinda current" and relevant.

But I do agree here in so far as to that if there are substantial pages worth of threads then it isn't worth the effort. But looking at this secion and the Movies / TV one I don't think there's really an excuse, unless being lazy qualifies of course. :)

kupoartist said:
How about YES? Threads like this get dated and are best left buried. Why should new contributors have to wade through x amount of posts featuring games that have been released or have even changed their names before their contributions are heard? Thread necrophilia is a far, far worse crime than simply starting a new topic. If it's gone beyond the first page, it's not worth bringing up again.

edit: what exactly did threads several pages into the archive do to you anyway? Kill your family and your best friend?

You do realise your being one big hypocrite here don't you? For starters, you declare that the impressively named "thread necrophilia" is a "crime" that I get the distinct impression you dislike (though your justification for not liking it is so waffer thin it ends up just seeming like an opinion for opinions sake used to create an argument / debate) but yet by responding to these very threads you yourself have become an active participant in their renewal (hows that for some irony eh?). If you really dislike them as much as you do, and would like to see them gone forever (I'm still attempting to work out the logic behind your protest) then the worst thing you did was add new comments to them. Bravo man, bravo. An impressive act of contradiction if I don't mind saying so.

Despite what you say I reckon with this quote "...If it's gone beyond the first page, it's not worth bringing up again..." is the real reason behind your disagreement - i.e. you're just lazy.

Also, in your "edit" remark you imply why is it such a big deal to me? Well, it would seem from your responses that I've read, its as a big a deal to you as it is to me. After all, you wouldn't have got all hot under the collar and retorted like you have if it wasn't.

However, for what its worth, I apologise to those who might have found some of my remarks on the subject annoying (I read some of them and they are quite sarcastic which I find when re-reading them rather unpleasant) and I won't mention the whole affair further. Sorry.

And I also admit the whole topic is petty, and I'm petty for pursuing it (its because I'm one of those peeps who likes things to be organised but I'm not a moderator so I have no right coming on here acting as if I am. Sorry.). I put my hands-up to it. Sorry again.

But remember it takes an equally petty if not pettier person to actually wish to create an "argument" out of it, and kupoartist can stand alongside me on the podium (though my arm certainly won't be around his shoulder) - were as bad as each other. Were both petty. Possibly tragic too.
sonia_leong said:
Hmm, I don't know whether it's okay for me to post in this thread or not? XD

Whatever it is, I'm wanting DS titles - Zelda, FF3 and Hotel Dusk. And for general gaming, a Wii would be good.

EDIT: Argh, no! I just saw this thread!

WhaddoIdo?? o_O;;

just post in 1, hopeful everyone else will and the other 2 will re-disapear into the never reaches of the forums

that or pm paul to lock one
wating for FF3, Mario Kart and something really new like Spectrobes! and also Phoenix Write... so many.. no money. :shock: