Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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Sparrowsabre7 said:
Honestly? The latter. At least it's a tad more artistic if mis-representative. Just a giant ass on the cover is pretty terrible, especially for a show that is comparatively low on ecchi antics...
This. That Kaze cover is disappointingly bad. Aside from the strange choice of image (and anyone who knows me knows that I find Revy insanely hot, that doesn't stop that picture from making a crap cover) there is too much white and... thumbnail pictures on a front cover? Really? That's the sort of thing that belongs on the *back*.
Ath said:

Now that I look at it again, it really is just the artwork pasted onto a standard 3D case model :? Still, looking forward to this release all the same!
Where's the big blue lump of plastic at the top then? Whether the final release is or not, that's definately a steelbook template they've applied the artwork to.

It looks worse the more I look at it, we'll probably end up with bloody wrong way up French spines again...
THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU. That Kaze Black Lagoon cover is a special kind of bad. The arse I could deal with, as lacking in subtlety as it is, but screenshots on a front cover? Ugh.

Not that I care since I have the two Geneon Steelbooks, and if I buy the BDs I'll be transferring the discs over to those quicker than Revy could put a bullet through my head.
Ew, her spine in that artwork looks super weird. I don't mind the concept of the cover but the execution doesn't work for me. I also prefer the Second Barrage choice.

ilmaestro said:
The midriff on the Second Barrage cover is actually too much for me to handle safely.

True, lol. Though frankly that photo is a lot sexier than Revy is likely to be. I don't mean physically, I mean attitude-wise. Revy doesn't act in a particularly sexualised way, she just dresses like she does because she doesn't a give a ****, so the finger biting and "ooh these jeans are so tight mmmm..." pose is not very Revy.

Maybe that should be a show! "That's so Revy"
Please tell me that god-awful double play bar isn't really going to be on the final Welcome to the Space Show BD cover?

The DVD cover looks great without it, that's just depressing. T_T
For some reason, I really like the Clannad cover. I also agree about that "Double Play" bar on Welcome to the Space Show.
ayase said:
Please tell me that god-awful double play bar isn't really going to be on the final Welcome to the Space Show BD cover?

The DVD cover looks great without it, that's just depressing. T_T

Of course it is. They always are these day... oh how I hate them. I really wish they'd just have a sticker or something. Maybe even a tiny BBFC rating sized logo indicating, that would be better than the tyranny of the giant blue bar.
I really like that Bleach cover. I'm a bit worried at how it will look lined up with the rest of my collection though.
Joshawott said:
I really like that Bleach cover. I'm a bit worried at how it will look lined up with the rest of my collection though.

Haha! Glad I'm not the only one! As soon as i saw the boxart i had to take a look at my current collection for possible relief (of them matching up)..there was none. *sadface*
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