Upcoming UK Anime DVD Artwork!

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The one that baffled me was This Ugly Yet Beautiful World. Bare underage breasts a few times, yet it gets a 12.
devilrules666 said:
yeah that was weird! what about elfen lied as well? :D
15, as it should have been, the violence is unrealistic, often ofscreen. Otherwise it mostly only shows nudity. The underage rape (lucy/ Yuka) doesn't come across as such in the anime version. It's Lucy that's underage, or i'm missjudging the age gap between the protaganist and his little sister (Lucy's age is given as being the same as her)

Eva having a 12 is the realy odd one, fair amounts of violence, and an otscreen but fully voice acted sex sccne.

Pleanty of series that do have 15 certs on them have it for only 1/2 scenes getting the whole thing uprated, e.g. someone swearing using f***.
Reaper gI said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
memorium said:
AMG doesn't really have any fanservice in it, but it does baffle me why it's a 12 and not a PG

Ouran has pretty much no fanservice and is a 15. Go figure =P In the case of Ouran it's due to "sexual references" by which I guess they mean they say "homo" on a semi-regular basis, and there's maybe one or two instances of implied sexual threat. It could be something like that. Having never seen AMG I dunno.
Sexual ref can be very very minor stuff, characters kissing, hugging etc.
Also doesn't Ouran have incest, which is what Shana has on it for getting a 15. Might also have alcohol use, can't remember.

No alcohol, and there is no ACTUAL incest, it is referred to though, so yeah I see your point.
JohnC said:
The one that baffled me was This Ugly Yet Beautiful World. Bare underage breasts a few times, yet it gets a 12.

Depends, was it sexualised? If not then it's not a problem. Same reason you can have adverts showin children running around on the beach. Of course I don't know HOW underage we're talking here. If it's just nudity then it's not so much of an issue.

Manon de Source is a PG yet has full frontal of a woman, but because it's just her dancing around and it's not sexualised, it's deemed ok I guess.
Soul Eater: Part 2

devilrules666 said:
well the covers should be changed then to protect children from gettting ideas

They have lads mags/ porn mags in newsagents. Even if they're out of reach they're easily seen, it's not gonna happen.
That Gantz cover on the previous page is hideous. Rozen Maiden cover is nice enough. OMG looks a bit bootleg.
I'm really liking the look of that Shippûden box-art. I suspect it helps that I'm fond of Deidara as a character--though I feel the illustration is strong enough to prove convincing when taken in isolation, even in the absence of my personal bias. I'm pleased to see him champion the second release, too; he looks pretty good offset against Naruto himself on the first release. With that thought, I'm looking forward to continuing with this!
As nice as the Shippuuden box art looks, a pretty cover doesn't make up for lackluster contents, and everyone should know by now that Manga will be releasing cheap 26 episode box sets in the not-so-distant future.
Ironically, the box-art's just about the only thing I can use to justify buying that batch of episodes! Pity I'm an early adopter, mind--though I'm thankful for Manga's generous pricing with these!

Thankfully, I'm in the happy position of being no longer obliged to purchase any more of the series, as I ceased watching the subtitled releases after episode 12. Having watched a vast amount of the show prior to the official releases, I felt rather strongly compelled to assemble the corresponding Manga releases when possible.
I wasn't aware that Gantz was being re-released, nor that träumend was license in the UK ^^:
..well, that or it went in one eye and out the other.

Amazon says Gantz is coming from "Elevation Sales". Oh, träumend also, but that has an MVM logo.. OK, looks like Elevation is a distributor similar to Lace, Pinnacle (RIP) and EUK (RIP) and MVM is one of their clients.
Shiroi Hane said:
Amazon says Gantz is coming from "Elevation Sales". Oh, träumend also, but that has an MVM logo.. OK, looks like Elevation is a distributor similar to Lace, Pinnacle (RIP) and EUK (RIP) and MVM is one of their clients.
I noticed some weirdness for distributors on Amazon earlier today too. Like some Manga stuff (like some Naruto sets) being down as Anchor Bay. I know they have the same parent company, but they are still different companies. Noticed the MVM/Elevation one too. I'm sure I saw another which I can't recall now.
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