Upcoming UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Artwork

Death Parade is awesome - my AOTY when it came out! I like the box for this, but no digipak, and I already have the Funimation US Limited Edition, so I passed on importing this set.
I saw they had it on UP1 and I've placed my order, my old card details expired so I updated them, seems to be a manual process though. Hopefully they get updated prior to needing to send it.

Edit - that was quick, updated and all looks good, order placed! 👍
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What's the chances of this coming out when Funimation say it is? It's the first CE of theirs I've ordered but I'm aware that there's an issue with them announcing CEs only for one reason or another they fail to materialise 🤔
With the exception of K-On! (because they are using very old masters and one of those masters caused some encoding issues), the UK exclusive LEs don't seem to have any major delay issues so far.
After months of not even bothering, Funi UK have finally got some finalised artwork available for some of their anime titles.

Actually I'm kinda disappointed with this BluRay:
I was about to start watching this anime, when I saw this blu-ray that just came out, I thought It will be a good deal to get the whole series at once, since I really loved the first few episodes. But unfortunately its not the "complete collection" as the front cover says... It missed ALL the OVA episodes(8+10=18 episodes... ) + the second movie... So basically half of the series is missing! Yeah, of course it was also my own stupidity for not doing my reseach before buying it. But like I said, I was just started watching this anime. Not to mention the fact that it was advertised as "complete collection"... I didn't really expect that "complete collection" means only half of the series... So yeah, I have mixed feelings.

Any news about a possible upcoming BD that contains the rest of the series? :p
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Actually I'm kinda disappointed with this BluRay:
I was about to start watching this anime, when I saw this blu-ray that just came out, I thought It will be a good deal to get the whole series at once, since I really loved the first few episodes. But unfortunately its not the "complete collection" as the front cover says... It missed ALL the OVA episodes(8+10=18 episodes... ) + the second movie... So basically half of the series is missing!. Yeah, of course it was also my stupidity for not doing my reseach before buying it. But like I said, I was just started watching the series. Not to mention the fact that it was advertised as "complete collection" So yeah, I have mixed feelings.

Any news about a possible upcoming BD that contains the rest of the series? :p

Oddly enough I kind of expected that, mostly because I imagine the OVAs are more complicated to license (and someone correct me if I'm wrong some of the OVAs were DVD only?)

That said tho I would love a second half considering there's a second movie that came out this year!
Oddly enough I kind of expected that, mostly because I imagine the OVAs are more complicated to license (and someone correct me if I'm wrong some of the OVAs were DVD only?)

That said tho I would love a second half considering there's a second movie that came out this year!

Seriously, I have no idea what is the point of these kind of BDs where you have to download the rest of the series anyway...
Especially in cases like this where the OVAs actually good and add a lot to the series.
Actually I'm kinda disappointed with this BluRay:
I was about to start watching this anime, when I saw this blu-ray that just came out, I thought It will be a good deal to get the whole series at once, since I really loved the first few episodes. But unfortunately its not the "complete collection" as the front cover says... It missed ALL the OVA episodes(8+10=18 episodes... ) + the second movie... So basically half of the series is missing! Yeah, of course it was also my own stupidity for not doing my reseach before buying it. But like I said, I was just started watching this anime. Not to mention the fact that it was advertised as "complete collection"... I didn't really expect that "complete collection" means only half of the series... So yeah, I have mixed feelings.

Any news about a possible upcoming BD that contains the rest of the series? :p
MVM is pretty much acquiring titles from Sentai who own the English rights to the franchise. Sentai has licensed the second film but we don't know if they have the OVAs or not. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if Sentai does manage to release a second collection that has both the OVAs and second film together, which MVM can then follow suit later.
more pre-orders for @Girls with Guns to make also

I only need to pre-order Princess Mononoke, all the rest I've received or already have on order.

I originally had purchased Poppy Hill and Marnie Collector's Edition sets when they came out, and I was able to just recently snag the four other older releases on the secondary market - Arrietty, Ponyo, Princess Kaguya, and the Wind Rises. I've also already received the new Totoro and Laputa sets. Porco Rosso is shipping in a few weeks, and Earwig and the Witch I am still waiting for to arrive, although I believe it has gotten lost in the mail since it's been 35 days since it shipped, so I'm in the process of getting it replaced.

Including Princess Mononoke, that will be 11 Studio Ghibli Collector's Editions that have been released now.
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