Underrated Games

Espy said:
I think the problem with this game is Square Enix have little experience outside of RPGs, and unless they find a way to learn the ropes of other genres, should stick to RPGs.

Einhänder and the Bushido Blades would like a word with you outside...
One game that I enjoyed but got slated by critics and public alike (for the most part) was Dino Crisis 3 on the Xbox.

It wasn't perfect, but I thought it was an excellent game and was quite a departure (though whether for the better I don't know) from the previous two installments (Dino Crisis 2 is probably one of the best, underrated video games that was released for the PSOne games console in my opinion). :)

It reminded me of the film Event Horizon meets Jurassic Park!
Extreme G for the N64 I was always thought was a tad underrated, also possibly Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Seeds of Evil. Shadow of Oblivion was pretty crap, (Don't get me started on Evolution)