UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains have some good deals on atm

Charlotte Part 1 for~£15 plus shipping.

Charlotte Part 2 and Belladonna of Sadness for~£13.50 each plus shipping.

There are a few other deals too, but their website is awful making them difficult to locate.

Thanks, Ordered all 3 as was going to pick them all up in next couple of months. Postage was only €2.29 (cheapest option) for me.

They also have:
Fate/Kaleid Prisma Illya for €15.05/£13.50
Space Dandy S1/S2 Bluray for €17.20/£15
Thanks, Ordered all 3 as was going to pick them all up in next couple of months. Postage was only €2.29 (cheapest option) for me.

They also have:
Fate/Kaleid Prisma Illya for €15.05/£13.50
Space Dandy S1/S2 Bluray for €17.20/£15
They seem to have a few OOP sets as well like G Reco and the Gurren Lagann/movie set. Prices aren't the best on those though.
Did anyone else order anything from the arrow January sale and if you did how long it took the package to arrive. I thinks been over a month already since I made the first order so i'm starting to get really anxious.
Did anyone else order anything from the arrow January sale and if you did how long it took the package to arrive. I thinks been over a month already since I made the first order so i'm starting to get really anxious.
Arrow are having a nightmare at the moment. Their CS has apparently also gone to shite since Nichole left. I'm honestly doubtful my Cat O Nine Tails pre-order will even arrive on time atm
Arrow are having a nightmare at the moment. Their CS has apparently also gone to shite since Nichole left. I'm honestly doubtful my Cat O Nine Tails pre-order will even arrive on time atm

They have delayed my Hirokazu Kore-eda boxset three times now and not emailed me once. Hopefully they do actually dispatch it when it is eventually released.
They have delayed my Hirokazu Kore-eda boxset three times now and not emailed me once. Hopefully they do actually dispatch it when it is eventually released.
Yeah people have been having issues with their Carrie sets. Mine arrived in a flimsy mailer so I wasn't very impressed
I ordered Don't Torture A Duckling on 16-12, received on 29-12 in the Netherlands.

It's a damn shame about the new Arrow shop. Customer service has gone down the drain and no more reward points earned on sale items. :(
Damn. I hope my stuff will eventually arrive. They overcharged me on my last order and i sent them message about it on saturday morning. but i still haven't got any reply to that.
Mine's up for delivery tomorrow. Will it be the correct order or will it belong to someone else?

Who knows. They mixed the labels on my two parcels up. I paid the customs value of my big parcel to receive my small parcel.

Grey hostage slip. £14.44, basically £6.44 in actual fees and £8 in RM bollocks. Have no idea if it was undervalued, will find out Friday

I'll take the £8 fee over 2 weeks extra delay + 2 hours of paperwork.

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