(except Carnival Phantasm then of course, because Carnival Phantasm is amazing)
Carnival Phantasm needs a blu-ray release. I would buy it in a heart beat.
Wasn't really aware of this one, and on a quick search of the streaming platforms I'm subscribed to it is nowhere to be seen...* Sigh * the power of the
force fomo is strong that despite my huge online and shelf-based backlog I am very irritated that I can't which carnival phantasm right now, now!!!
But on the plus side, I have now got the FGO game up and running, thank you very much for the advice! Here's hoping I can actually start playing it sometime this year now...
Am I the only one who thought Babylonia got VERY dark towards the end?
Now that you mention it, you're right it certainly did, including at the end of the first half where I thought it'd started getting better. I think having only watched the anime, given the extended cast (a lot of whom also exude a lot of comedy) and not forgetting the numerous citizens presumably represented more as NPCs in the game, I probably couldn't gel so much with the characters to have the fantasy elements negated enough to truly feel the horror, whereas in the other examples a much smaller roster of characters as the point of focus really helped to feel the horror I guess. Also, in terms of darkness I was being literal in how the masters/servants fought at night only and GoS was mostly based at night, and I really liked that aesthetic which unsurprisingly added to the horror elements.
The thing with FGO, at least with the singularities, is that it generally is less dark and horror because it's more like an adventure to save the world.
Yes, exactly how I felt hence my take on it being Fate doing Final Fantasy as especially the final boss at the end really felt to me like I was watching a typical FF game playing out, hich is not a bad thing whatsoever.
He's still Gil at his core
I completely agree on this point and why I also liked him regardless as he still very much fit the character profile for him introduced in Fate. I do like his arguably harshly pragmatic self in the Stay/Night universe where he sees humanity as overflowing and superfluous with a loss of purpose, as compared to his past Kingdom where, again arguably, every individual had value and lots to contribute. Hence him being a kinder tyrant monarch still fits perfectly given his relevant interpretations/perceptions of either age of humanity. I just prefer his insidious nature in Fate Zero and onwards, though I still think it's in the mould of "firm but fair" heh. Now I don't understand the timeline nature of FGO, but read it as a different universe from stay/night altogether given how differently the fifth grail war played out, and don't even know if Gilgamesh was involved in that one but no matter if in Mesopotamia he is a character having experienced the fifth grail war or not, given that he is not deviating from his core character/personality.
I've long retired from FGO but will simply wish you success on the grind

Oh oh, did you say grind?? Oh dear, I can just feel my worst video game allergy acting up... Shouldn't be surprised with a free-to-download & in-app purchases type of game really...
Reading on about the VNs & FGO, I think I need to take a break from the Fate universe/s before fomo really overloads and fries the remaining vestiges of what used to be my brain... But don't stop sharing info on those regardless though heheh!