Lore musing post
Actually I was thinking of sharing my grand theory on who created the Lostbelts and why I think Salem holds the answer. The neat thing is I don't even need to talk any heavy spoilers (just Salem and the Lostbelts prologue) or Fate lore in general for this. Keep in mind I am unaware of any major plot revelations from the JP side so there is a good chance I maybe wrong. It's also likely there will be a lot more to the actual plot than what is in my theory.
Instead I'm going off topic to talk about another subject I'm pretty familiar with, which is Lovecraft lore (confession time I own all his stories in multiple formats, more than twice

) and why I think Salem is the most important pseudo singularity for seeing the future. It's no secret that Nasu draws a lot of inspiration from Lovecraft, Just look at Heaven's Feel.
So err mild Salem spoilers here. We have quite a number of key players introduced. We have Randolph Carter who is basically the main character for many of Lovecrafts stories. Lavinia Wheatley who in lore mothered Wilbur Wheatley and the Dunwich Horror together. Abigail Williams who in real life set off the Salem witch hunts, and in lore is the avatar of Yog-sothoth. And both Randolph and Abby dissappear on a journey to other worlds at the end (very in character for Mr Carter) after Abby's power awakens when Lavinia dies.
Yog-sothoth for context is an outer god and the 2nd most powerful being in lovecraft lore, and Abby is the first Foreigner servant in the game. Then every single Foreigner after her also represents a different lovecraftian entity. E.g. Hokusai is an avatar for Cthulhu, Summer BB is an avatar for Nyarlathotep etc etc... (And my girl Abby is canonically stronger than all of those other GOO's, just sayin). But the point here is we now we have established a basis for lovecraft lore being introduced to Fate lore.
So where am I going with this you maybe asking? Well
(prologue spoilers start here) the Lostbelts were created by an alien god after making a deal with Chaldeas Team A. An unknown alien god was introduced to the game right after the foreigner class was Introduced, a class that takes centre stage in stories they are involved in. I don't find that timing coincidental at all. We also discover that Chaldea is based in Antarctica before it got destroyed. Another well timed coincidence? Yeah I've read Mountains of Madness, a novel about aliens (the Elder Things) in Antarctica. This opens the door to other things, such as the Yithians whom the Elder Things went to war with, a species known to be able to mess with time and space in lore, and with Cthulhu's race too (Hokusai).
But I don't think it's Elder Things per say. More likely their enemies. The lost belts are created by an alien god afterall. Something that the foreigner class well represents and there are a number of outer gods in lovecraft lore that could easily fall into this category, even Yog-sothoth (abby) or possibly Azathoth?
So tldr is my theory could be one of a few things. It's either an outer god and we possibly haven't seen the end of Abby. Or perhapes it was the Yithians afterall and that silent alien girl is just a yithian from another plane just chilling and watching things go down?
Again this post is pure speculation and I bet there will be more to the overall plot itself than what I touched on. Plus even my own conclusion isn't fully set in stone as you saw. All I am doing is trying at an educated guess lol.