Three strikes and you're out! Xam'd Blu-ray Part 2 cancelled

Joshawott said:
Rui said:
britguy said:
So FMA:B part 1 sells 3.1K, more than enough to break even.

Nice Manga.

I can only assume that either that was over a long period, or the drop off for volume 2 was absolutely insane.

Indeed. Wasn't the initial sales figure only something like 700 copies?

Yup 750 copies after first months sales

It obviously greatly increased when they (HMV?!?!) dropped the price from like £24.99 down to £6.99 for it, not long after it had been cancelled for a bit
That's probably it for Blu-ray releases of series longer than a single cour. I still maintain the price difference is too great; it's interesting that movies on BD are selling well for Manga, and I think one reason for that is because there isn't such a vast disparity in cost.

Also interesting is that the first FMA: Brotherhood set has sold 3100 copies, and it does seem likely that a lot of those were shifted during sales. Who takes the hit when retailers slash their prices like HMV did recently? Is it Manga offering lower wholesale prices?
Manga fails at business, film at 11.

I mean, honestly, what were they expecting? They cancel FMA:B two(?) volumes in, then they cancel Cashern sins half way though (Even though that was two freaking volumes, you're honestly saying Manga would go bankrupt if they put out the second volume?) and then they pap a volume of Xamd out on Blu Ray.

Quoth the Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

All I'm going to say is that Bund and Strike Witches better do super mad bank for them (and I have my doubts about that) or they are going to be in some deep ****.

Naruto and Bleach ain't goign' to support them forever.
At the moment Manga has no plans to acquire #SengokuBasara2 but this may change.

The bad news about follow ups is without end! Though in this case I already have the R2J special editions so I'll just buy Funi's blu guilt-free to complete the fabulousness. Clearly the UK is not cool enough.


(I don't know why there is guilt to begin with in these cases...)
ConanThe3rd said:
All I'm going to say is that Bund and Strike Witches better do super mad bank for them (and I have my doubts about that) or they are going to be in some deep ****.

Naruto and Bleach ain't goign' to support them forever.

atleast Strike Witches isn't native bluray for them to screw over, and only 13 episode, which seems to be their limit
ilmaestro said:
I just simply think the BD market is not there in this country for shows of this length (or almost any TV anime, period), and it certainly isn't there if people who want the BDs refuse to buy them despite being told that not buying them will result in the cancellation of future releases.

ConanThe3rd said:
Quoth the Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
This goes for the consumer too. After being burned by the FMA release, I decided right then not to buy any more series from Manga on BD until they had been released in their entirity, as did a lot of people. That doesn't make us industry saboteurs, it makes us wary consumers with good reason for being so. It might have had dire consequeces had we relied on Manga as our only source of anime; however as I've tried to point out to the UK industry for years, most people can easily import. And when you become unreliable when contrasted to your US counterpart, what's going to happen? We (the consumer) can still get our anime. Manga need us, not the other way around.
ayase said:
ConanThe3rd said:
Quoth the Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
This goes for the consumer too. After being burned by the FMA release, I decided right then not to buy any more series from Manga on BD until they had been released in their entirity, as did a lot of people. That doesn't make us industry saboteurs, it makes us wary consumers with good reason for being so. It might have had dire consequeces had we relied on Manga as our only source of anime; however as I've tried to point out to the UK industry for years, most people can easily import. And when you become unreliable when contrasted to your US counterpart, what's going to happen? We (the consumer) can still get our anime. Manga need us, not the other way around.
The fact that a number of Funimation's releases are naturally playable on UK Blu-Ray / DVD playamatrons without any region unlocking speaks volumes upon the situation and, quite frankly, Manga's naivety on the subject.

Joshawott said:
iirc, isn't Bund only getting a DVD release here?
I believe it is (I honestly don't give enough of a crap to care about the show to check) But, let's be honest here, I can't be the only one who thinks Manga are deluded if they're going to get the numbers they want with that (Or Strike Witches for that matter)
This company is appalling.
3 series in a row canceled?

Seriously, will anyone even consider buying any future multi-boxset BD title from them?

I won't even talk about US labels, but I don't understand how a company like Madman can release a ridiculous number of titles on BD, and so far is yet to leave anything incomplete or complain about sales, while Manga UK either releases titles on DVD only, or adds a BD release that inevitably will end up canceled before it's finished.
And before anyone mentions how Australia is a potentially bigger market than the UK, remember that many people from other European countries pick up titles from the UK, like I do, so Manga's potential market doesn't end on the UK, but spreads out to other European countries, at the very least.

It's time for me to buy a multi-region BD player.
Zen 2nd said:
Took the risk and bought the first volume. Tis a shame, really wanted to get the second volume :(
I'm on the same boat. But I have no one to blame but myself... :cry:

After I was told they would assess how the sales of Vol.1 went, before committing to Vol. 2, I should have waited to see how things went.
Sucks that MANGA have chosen not to release Xam'd on Blu ray here in the uk as i would prefer to support the UK anime industry.

But thanks that i now have the second volume in my hands imported from Australia now yay :D Loved this show and was hating the wait.

Picked up 'Dance in the vampire bund' at the same time.

Only cost me an extra £6 each on UK prices, well worth it.