Robotech has already been covered (oh god some of the dialogue in that, I still have the boxset on my shelf, to never be touched again unless I rearrange said shelf) as has Earthsea which I hated.
Ōkami Kakushi was one of the most boring shows I ever watched, with 20 minutes of tedium and an interesting final minute or so each episode that never went anywhere. I had ended up watching vampire bund at the same time. I don't know what I did to deserve watching those two shows back to back *shudder*
However this topic has reminded me of the first show that made me go against my completionist nature and drop it- Soultaker (not soul eater). This was back in late 2007, so I can't recall much of why I disliked it, just that when I suddenly remembered it there was just a sense of general (and total) dislike.
Ōkami Kakushi was one of the most boring shows I ever watched, with 20 minutes of tedium and an interesting final minute or so each episode that never went anywhere. I had ended up watching vampire bund at the same time. I don't know what I did to deserve watching those two shows back to back *shudder*
However this topic has reminded me of the first show that made me go against my completionist nature and drop it- Soultaker (not soul eater). This was back in late 2007, so I can't recall much of why I disliked it, just that when I suddenly remembered it there was just a sense of general (and total) dislike.