The Simpsons Movie


Baka Ranger
I just got back from seeing it, and wow i can say this.

The Best Movie Of 2007. . . . . . .So Far. . . .

It really does live up to its expectations, the storyline varies, as like a normal episode of The Simpsons does, but i think i can go as far as saying its better than when the show was in its prime.

The animation is just a tad better than the more recent episodes of the series'. Except of course, more CG and better shading. All done in good manner.

Every character i can remember from the simpsons, even from way back when seem to be in it as the town gathers together many times during the course of the movie.

The score is just as normal, except for a Cameo by Green Day in the beginning of the movie, but at least They got bottled by the springfieldians after a while

Also the many references to it being a Movie, are brilliant, Bart's Chalkboard gag is 'Do Not Illegally Download This Movie'

The film is just a brilliant film, everything is just right. I highly recommend it. :D

EDIT: *sigh* I basically wrote the story, then realized that it is pointless so i deleted it, I also went in to too much depth. so. . it would spoil your viewing.

Go see the film for yourself.

Its worth the attention.
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Jayme said:
Every character i can remember from the simpsons, even from way back when seem to be in it as the town gathers together many times during the course of the movie.

Its worth the attention.
So Troy Mclure and Lionel Hutts are in it!? Cause if they are I'm gonna watch this.
Lupus Inu said:
Jayme said:
Every character i can remember from the simpsons, even from way back when seem to be in it as the town gathers together many times during the course of the movie.

Its worth the attention.
So Troy Mclure and Lionel Hutts are in it!? Cause if they are I'm gonna watch this.

Unvoiced, Lionel Hutts i remember seeing, i don't think i saw Troy Maclure, He would have been almost certain to have a speaking role, if he wasn't dead and all. ;'(
Will be seeing it this weekend and I really can't wait to see it, Spider Pig, Spider Pig, Does whatever a Spider Pig does
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Considering how bad The Simpsons has been for the past 8-10 years I do have reservations about it, but I'll probably obtain it in some way.

the film is written by the original writers not the new ones so the quality should feel the old versions
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Considering how bad The Simpsons has been for the past 8-10 years I do have reservations about it, but I'll probably obtain it in some way.
I agree, it may never be the same even with the original writers, they try to hard to be funny now, it's horrible.
The trailers aren't doing anything for me, I'll admit I laughed at the Spider Pig thing, once, when I saw it in the trailer, but in the TV Spots it doesn't get a chuckle. This movie seems like Transformers brand of humor, that in which, you watch the movie more then once and the humor becomes more stale then bread from 1993. I will probably see it... on DVD.
They killed it when they gradually turned it into the 'Homer does something stupid show' or worse yet 'Homer befriends someone famous but in the end they hate him show'. The characters aren't characters anymore like they were at the beginning. Now they're just things do stupid stuff and blast out one liners. I think i'll give it a miss.
Haha, all the awful ideas being thrown around are exactly what i was thinking about before i went into, i had little to zero expectations. But that got blown away, with the parts that hysterical> It really is like when Simpsons was back in its prime.

As Matt Groening i think said, they had to remove so many jokes that they could make another film because they just weren't good enough.

I can't emphasize how good is really is, and this is from a season 9+ hater (just in case you didn't know)

And i am going to stop going on about it, I'm annoying myself. Starting to sound like a simpson-tard. *sigh*
I saw this last night and was suprised by how much I enjoyed watching it, obviously its the same old humour that you come to expect form the simpsons but it still made me laugh and I enjoyed the film alot. PS maggie speaks right at the end (During credits) but I wont spoil it bye telling you what she says 8)
Its a solid film the only downer was that it focused more on the simpsons than anyone else. There was very few other characters that the didn't really give a chance to show there colours in the big screen
Brilliant movie, laughed almost all the way through.

Loved the scrolling ads at the bottom of the screen :D

It really didn't feel like a film, it felt more like on of the eps just stretched a bit and that worked really well. I was blown away.

Wish there had been more interaction with other members of the cast but we can't have everything.
I am more of a Family Guy person, than a Simpsons one, but I loved the movie! And the Spider Pig song doesn´t seem to get out of my head anymore!!! I want a poster and a ringtone of it or something. lol
crimsa said:
I am more of a Family Guy person, than a Simpsons one, but I loved the movie! And the Spider Pig song doesn´t seem to get out of my head anymore!!! I want a poster and a ringtone of it or something. lol

I totally agree the Spider Pig song is annoyingly addictive even now i am sat here humming it to myself
Am I the only person on this forum who didn't find Spider pig funny? Everyone laughed in the cinema and I just sat there and thought "Wtf is funny about this?"
Lupus Inu said:
Am I the only person on this forum who didn't find Spider pig funny? Everyone laughed in the cinema and I just sat there and thought "Wtf is funny about this?"

Yes I think you are, how could you not laugh at that scene