I'm going to clear out those acquisition comments now. Sorry.

For the record the rule of thumb is if something's never been released outside Japan the rights lie with the Japanese creators. They aren't just free for all ;)

CitizenGeek said:
Yeah, but the BNP isn't really a sexist organisation. It'd be more akin to a Jew, a gay or someone who is not racially English supporting the views of the BNP.

A senior BNP leader said:
"I've never understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is such a serious crime ... Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal.

"To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that forcefeeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched.

"The demonisation of rape is all part of the feminazi desire to obtain power and mastery over men. Men who go along with the rape myth are either morons or traitors."

"Some women are like gongs - they need to be struck regularly."

"the vast majority of domestic [assaults] are initiated by the woman."
I think I had a look at Rapeman after reading a retarded MAL review.

A teacher (by day) dresses up in a superhero costume, gets hired to rape women and somehow cures women of all their problems by raping them. Or something. It's terrible in every respect; it's neither erotic or amusing. When a hentai isn't laugh out loud bad or penis rising, you know it's pretty ******* bad.

CitizenGeek said:
Maybe women are capable of creating works depicting and glorifying misogyny too? :s

On my internet travels, I encountered a person. The person told me that, in order to get over being raped and keep living, some women start to fantasize about rape. I think the logic is that, to avoid keep being the victim, they become the opposite in their minds in order to accept what happened. The **** if I know.

There are also normal women out there who like the idea of being dominated (/bondage) and get off over that sort of thing. I don't doubt there are many women out there who could come up with the likes of Rapeman. Maybe not feminists, but a lot of fat virgin types for sure.

I have no clue about this subject, in all honesty. All I know is that it must be hard to be a man in jail - American History X taught me this.
Sy said:
Maxon said:
So I guess some of you missed the countless hentai and games that contain rape and have been around for years? :p
Did they have nine live action movies though?
I don't know, but that's not my point. It's bizarre that people still find this shocking when its been around for such a long time. Yes it's bad taste but I thought people would have got over it by now.
Aion said:
There are also normal women out there who like the idea of being dominated (/bondage) and get off over that sort of thing. I don't doubt there are many women out there who could come up with the likes of Rapeman. Maybe not feminists, but a lot of fat virgin types for sure.

Yeah, good point. Some women do fantasise about rape; it's merely one of the many things about the sexual kinks of people I've learned from Dan Savage's excellent podcast. Still, it's pretty creepy.
CitizenGeek said:
Aion said:
There are also normal women out there who like the idea of being dominated (/bondage) and get off over that sort of thing. I don't doubt there are many women out there who could come up with the likes of Rapeman. Maybe not feminists, but a lot of fat virgin types for sure.

Yeah, good point. Some women do fantasise about rape; it's merely one of the many things about the sexual kinks of people I've learned from Dan Savage's excellent podcast. Still, it's pretty creepy.

You can't compare enjoying being dominated to rape. You also cannot compare fantasy with reality.
Rape fantasies are quite common but for the most part people understand that the reality of it would be quite different. I mean i dont think every1 who is into loli wants to molest little girls or would even be interested in child pornography.

My problem with this 'franchise' isn't that its about rape, i can understand rape hentai/eroge/manga/porn as much as i can understand any other kind of porn... Its that this shows is almost like propaganda. Men watching this would come away from it thinking that that women "deserving" of rape (i cant believe i just said those words) would come away from the experience better off, 'Put in her place.' It gives the idea that rape is ok. Maxon mentioned the game 'rapelay'. I'm firmilar enough with it to know that in the game the girls will try to stab you to do death for raping them. Yeah its still bad taste but theres a message there and its not "rape is ok."

If it were innocent girls in this show who were being raped and their lives were destroyed afterwards i wouldn't have as much of a problem with it as i do with 'the rapeman'.... again i cant believe i just said those words 0_o

I dunno i think im wording this wrong but I hope people can understand the point im trying to make.

I just found this news piece on youtube about a UNIVERSITY RAPE CLUB