Trinity Blood blu ray
Trinity Blood blu ray
Snow White with the Red Hair: Season 1 & 2 Blu-ray Collection
I want to buy, sorryare you looking to buy it or are you selling it? If you are selling it I will buy it from you if its the limited edition on from allthatanime let me know thanks!
Shame as the other day it was the mega deal on right stuf as a party of their birthday sale.Kyo Kara Maoh Season 1 Blu-ray
Looks like they’ve brought all the mega deals back for the last day.
I may be interested, let me check the deals during my lunch break and see if there’s anything I really want.That's a good option. I might see if anyone on the forum wants to go in with me for a rightstuf order to cut down the cost of shipping and stuff
I may be interested, let me check the deals during my lunch break and see if there’s anything I really want.
The same will likely apply to items I’ve looked at before, we may have overlapping wants also.Ok. I'm not in a mega rush since I doubt anything I want is going to go OOS/OOP
I have toradora and possibly Haganai for saleHi all.
Looking for:
Samurai Girls BD
Toradora BD
Haganai BD (US)
Haganai NEXT (US)
Heaven's Lost Property: The Angeloid of Clockwork BD (US)
Air Gear DVD (US)
School Days BD (US)
Baka and Test DVD (US S.A.V.E.)
I have Part I for sale if you’re interested?Hi all!
Looking to purchase the following:
Sword Art Online II Part 1-4 (DVD+Bluray+Booklet) Collector's Edition (UK Release)
In the complete box set or the parts separately.
Thanks for the help!
Bump.An updated list:
I'm looking for:
Attack on Titan Season One parts 1 and 2 [Limited Editions with the artbox]
Chronicles of Going Home Club [Limited Edition]
RIN Daughter of the Mmenosyne Blu Ray (with slipcover)
Serial Experiments Lain [Limited edition Funimation Blu Ray]
Yu Yu Hakusho Seasons 2 and 3 Blu Rays (with slipcovers)
Any Discotek releases, especially SD BD, with a handful of exceptions.