The General Conversation Area

st_owly said:
Mind if I ask what happened to your brother?
Basically, he was recently diagnosed with a really bad irritable bowel (with the stress of unusual shift changes and his upcoming wedding making it worse) and his work were getting really iffy about him taking time off. Particularly when one day he was off, his really controlling fiancé made him go with her to the end of a gig to see a band to see if they could play at their wedding. Someone at work found out, told supervisors and he got into trouble at work. Then, a new owner came in on the Friday and told staff to come into work on Monday with a new uniform policy - banning all piercings, visible tattoos and even black jeans.

Personally, I think he was a bloody idiot for quitting, at least until he had found another job. But oh well...shame I lose his discount though.
Joshawott said:
Then, a new owner came in on the Friday and told staff to come into work on Monday with a new uniform policy - banning all piercings, visible tattoos and even black jeans.
A new uniform policy banning visible tattoos? How do existing staff who had a visible tattoo before adhere to that - wear a scarf, gloves or a balaclava depending on where it is? Or were they expected to have them lasered off at the weekend to assure their continued employment?

I hate stuff like that, I really do. Makes me want to punch to the ground and urinate on people in suits. Clothes are clothes. Hair is hair. Skin is skin. Why certain things are considered "formal", "professional" or "appropriate" and you can discriminate against people for not adhering to these arbitrary societal norms I don't know (someone will try to justify it no doubt - someone always does). Ah well. One day, eh? One day. When all of today's social conservatives are dead, doing the kind of RPM in their graves that could generate electricity if we attached magnets to their corpses due to everything they thought obscene or taboo being commonplace. In fact, if I live to see that day I will dig them up and attach magnets to their corpses. It won't generate electricity, but I'll do it anyway.

Keeps me going sometimes, that thought.
chaos said:
I'm sure it is to force unhappiness into others.

What annoys me most is that respect is always presented by the powers that be as a two way street, but they don't actually practice or even encourage that. If we're supposed to respect clean cut people in business suits, we should respect punks exactly the same. If someone can do a job well it shouldn't matter what they look like.

And I kinda miss my long hair too, which I had cut short because I started losing it.
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It's especially odd given that it's HMV of all places; I'd always associated record shops with a quirkier kind of person anyway, so body art and the like isn't at all out of place. Removing the entire record shop feeling is just going to hasten what's left of the chain to its already-inevitable demise. They've pulled out of most towns near me entirely despite having no competition.

My friend has invited me to go along to a halloween party he's going to tomorrow night at the last minute, he says we don't need to dress up for it but I'd still like to. So I'm trying to think up a last minute easy to do costume, and am obviously wanting to do an anime one. I was thinking of going as a certain SUPER One Piece character as all I would need to buy would be a Hawaiiain shirt, speedos and stuff for styling/colouring my hair, but I've realised this morning just how far my hairline is receeding (another completely different and depressing story on its own) so there's always the option of picking up a wig to then style and such.

Just wondering if anyone had any other suggestions for characters I could go as that would be quick and easy to assemble costumes for, as I've only really got tomorrow to do so, as alternatives to my Franky idea? Also, is anyone else dressing up this year? If I do dress up this'll be the first time I've done so in 8 years!
ayase said:
I hate stuff like that, I really do. Makes me want to punch to the ground and urinate on people in suits.

And this is one of the reasons for that restraining order ;)

ayase said:
Clothes are clothes. Hair is hair. Skin is skin. Why certain things are considered "formal", "professional" or "appropriate" and you can discriminate against people for not adhering to these arbitrary societal norms I don't know (someone will try to justify it no doubt - someone always does). Ah well. One day, eh? One day. When all of today's social conservatives are dead, doing the kind of RPM in their graves that could generate electricity if we attached magnets to their corpses due to everything they thought obscene or taboo being commonplace. In fact, if I live to see that day I will dig them up and attach magnets to their corpses. It won't generate electricity, but I'll do it anyway.

Keeps me going sometimes, that thought.

Hell even in the NHS there's alot of B.S about clothes. If you are front line staff you have to wear the correct attire - mostly due to infection control compliances. But you still see porters rushing around with that horrible cyan coloured uniform on short sleeved and a sleeve of tattoo's - to me its expressionism and one step closer to being irregular from the norm, so in that regard it should be accepted even in a workplace.

I worked in a hospital from 15 Nov 2010 till 16 April 2012, in that time i was told i had to wear a shirt, tie, trousers and shoes.... yet women wore flourescent pink vests in summer, naturally i complained and fought for equality... in the end i was allowed to wear a t shirt instead of a shirt and tie, the main thing that annoyed me was that nevermind the fact i worked in a hospital... i wasn't face to face with the public at all and 4 security pass doors between me and public or service user yet the same rules applied.

Jump forward to now, i work in trust HQ (i have a lovely knack for working my way to Trust HQ within 18 months of working for a trust) and the rules are even more remote. You see the chief exec in a suit, you see the trust board in suits and most service leaders in formal attire..... everyone else looks like they just woke up, dressed in casual weekend clothes and came to work by accident.

I still wear my work trousers, but have on a pair of black pumps, a superdry polo and a crosshatch jacket/cardigan like thing. My colleague directly to my left is wearing jeans, a casual shirt and doc martens as if he's a part time lumber jack.

The world we live in just doesn't make any sense anymore.
And this is one of the reasons for that restraining order ;)
That I've managed to survive this long without acquiring a criminal record or being sectioned is nothing short of remarkable. :p

There are things I appreciate about the system (albeit few) but there is just so much ********. Nothing will ever make me want to shake people by the shoulders until their heads come loose like their inability or refusal to acknowledge the arbitrary and changeable nature of societal norms. If I went to a job interview today dressed like William Pitt I would be laughed out of the building. In the 18th Century that's what would be expected. Why people can't get it through their thick skulls that there is not and has never been an objective way to measure what is an isn't "appropriate" I don't know. There is only what is appropriate at this time and in this place to a majority of people. Sometimes not even a majority. Going along with that does undeniably make your life easier, but also further legitimises an unjustifiable system.

This is one of those ideas people say is put to bed when you grow up and make peace with the system but I've been there, done that and returned because conforming leads to nothing but an empty, miserable life. A life lived to do what other people expect rather than what you yourself want.
I was fortunate to find work in a shop where the boss didn't care about my multiple facial piercings. Sounds like the new owner is just on a power trip. I hope everything sorts itself out for your brother, Josh.
Sigh. My bank have flagged my card for fraud, and blocked it. I'll be onto my fourth debit card of the year before the week is out.

Frustrating that they didn't flag the actual fraud that was committed last month, but have become suspicious over my deposits on bookmakers' websites. :(
Vox you need to stop using it on websites.

Surely UP1 are to blame.

Mine was cloned last month, wiped days after payday, thousands taken. thankfully i've got it back now but my god it was a stressful time
Yeah, you're right Tachi. In the future I'll only use the debit card with my Paypal account. Everything else online can go on the credit card.

Since I'm not actually sure I was the victim of anything fraudulent, I don't want to make assumptions about UP1. That said, their recent decision to start offering Paypal as a payment option did make me think of what happened with AOL...
Why did UP1 suddenly come in from nowhere as a suspect? o_O

I assume that the addition of Paypal is due to customer demand. I haven't had any issues with my new card since registering with them (and the issue I had before was AOL, as we all know all too well).

As a matter of fact, I'm really worried about the trust people put on Paypal.... For all that is wroth, it is an unregulated bank and more often than not, I have friends who complain of their accounts getting blocked and they not being able to get money out of their account.

At least so far, Amazon Payments and Google checkout seems to be way more reliable.
chaos said:
As a matter of fact, I'm really worried about the trust people put on Paypal.... For all that is wroth, it is an unregulated bank and more often than not, I have friends who complain of their accounts getting blocked and they not being able to get money out of their account.

At least so far, Amazon Payments and Google checkout seems to be way more reliable.
Not that I splash money out of my bank with Paypal, I have used it for a fair few things online. Apart from me forgetting to swap primary card use, I've not had any upsets or complaints for them. However, I'd never let a search engine company like Google to help me with my finance online. To me, it's like asking a hermit what the latest gossip on the street was - You'd think they're experts on it? Not likely (but not impossible).
Not sure I get your problem with Google.

My problem with Paypal is simple: they are not regulated by any authority, so they have their own terms for fraud protection:
"Fraud protection. PayPal only offers fraud protection for sales of more than $50. Google offers 100% refund, but you must report within 60 days. There have been complaints about PayPal's payment resolution process as well." ... aypal.html

More on paypal: ... r-fsa.html ... ?sid=99095


The fact is, Paypal is not regulated by the FSA means that they can do whatever they want when you hold the money into the account.
Interesting info you got there, bud. I've never used Google, because like I said I dont trust a golfer to teach me high-end chemistry. But I didn't know about Paypal and the FSA, and so far it hasn't changed the fact that I've used them successfully so far. (I can say that, but just look at the madness from AO and their hacked accounts.)

Guess I'm just blind to the facts as I dont really look to far into the background info of groups, especially since Ebay was the reason (and almost dependent on) I used Paypal in the 1st place. It still wont stop me using it, but at least you've given me something to think about. Ta matey.