The General Conversation Area

lol thanks mono :) Nice choice in character there Maria is a cute/creepy kid. I prefer Battler though although have you seen Fernkastle yet? (you will know her when you see her...she certainly looks familar;))

@Tachi Ah fair enough
*walks in dabbing the corners of his mouth with a npakin*

Good lunch. :D

Huh, Black my old chum. Glad to see your still doing well.... wait... where's my house warming invite?!!! :evil:
mono, given how much of a higurashi fan you are i'm not surprised if you don't already know who she is :)

Also on that note watch what plays on the tv during some of the episodes. I can't remember what ep it was but they showed a clip from the higurashi ep where Hanyuu comes to school

@Voddas i'm sorry :p we've already exceed maximum capaicty of the house :p i mean we only have about 6 spots on the sofa's to sit on and we've got 15+ people on the way
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So, what, a night out Tach? So long as your aim ain't to get me drunk, its fine ;p

Howdy Black and co! how're ya all gettin' on?

So, back at uni again, two classes to go to still, yet should've been four...i kinda slept in for about...3 hours. =/
Hi Arby :p long time no see, still refusing to sleep at normal times? :p

Its a shame that i can't access Chat currently, something i need to sort out with Chaos next time he's on MSN

Things are fine the house is coming along great
yep I know who she is Black :) Frederica Bernkastel from the ending of the last episode of Higurashi Kai

I have noticed the Higurashi clips on the tv Black :p

Well I better be off for college so speak to you all later but I will try and pop on during my break :)

*becomes invisible like Oyashiro-Sama is and leaves*
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Afternoon Arby. Impressive sleep in. I plan on having one of my own in the near future. :p

@Black: There's always space for Voddas! I'll just watch from the window with a bottle of vodka swaying to your music.

Think I may have to add Umineko to my list, looking like it's popular. :D
Sorry Voddas, i've bagged myself a place on the house warming.....granted i have to sit in the bath....but yeah....its a a space,

And Arby, if your up for it...make sure you don't hit the hard stuff too much, coke is lovely and all, but too much is bad for you. and we don't want to help you out of a tree or something because in a hyper state you thought you where a bird ;)
See ya later Mono.

I'll get round to Umineko eventually. It's on my mental to watch list (if not my actual MAL one) and my backlog is slowly but surely wearing down. Hope the housewarming goes well Black!
*looks at Black, then looks at Tachi and looks at Black again*
Have your liitle swaray without me. *looks away all dramatic like*

Later Mono. *waves off*
Tachi- said:
Sorry Voddas, i've bagged myself a place on the house warming.....granted i have to sit in the bath....but yeah....its a a space,

And Arby, if your up for it...make sure you don't hit the hard stuff too much, coke is lovely and all, but too much is bad for you. and we don't want to help you out of a tree or something because in a hyper state you thought you where a bird ;)

Hah, funnil enough, i have never, and will probably never now get a sugar rush. I can drink about 2 litres worth of coke if i wanted and i'd never be affected by it ;p

@Black: It has been ages indeed...and whats this sleep you speak off? Something you humans need?

EDIT: gotta run, class and a meeting in 5 minutes, so may reply later. Bye peeps
Well, I've been invited to a party tomorrow. i'm out partying tonight. and tomorrow during the day my gf is coming over and spending time with me :)

Saturday i've got nothing planned but my experience of 2 nights out drinking....the third day your going to hurt like hell lol
sunday, relaxing with kayleigh, might just spend the day cuddled upto her and asleep.

Had to ask her lastnight, cuddlin in bed....what was her opinion on it.
She said that at first she didn't like it because she wasn't used to it but now likes it as it comforting and makes her feel safe.

my question people prefer to cuddle up.....or have their own space?
*Gets a tape measure against Tachi* He's not that big. I could take the shower anyway... O_O kay.. subject change. Heh.

I still have 3 hours left!! TT_TT (I know chaos, your there till 6.00). Got the house to myself tonight so I'm gonna make some fajita wraps and play some Batman for a few hours. Maybe I can get it completed. XD
Caught out by the last post on the page curse! dammit Voddas :(

And blokes stood in a shower/bath only really hear of that in america....or prison lol

as for my benefitial question....answers people?
I like both Tachi :p Cuddling is fun and is a great way to get warm (a side effect of being careful with heating bills) but as humans we do need our own space every now and again
fair enough black :)

I'm fine with cuddling....and having my own space. i draw the line when she randomly kicks in the middle of the night. lol
honestly woke up because i thought i'd been punched in the face, turns out she'd fallen asleep on her arm and all circulation had gone...and as it was numb she couldn't feel or control it properly....wen to wrap her arm around me and accidentally nailed me, right in the face aswell :/
Tachi- said:
my question people prefer to cuddle up.....or have their own space?
I'd have to agree with Blacck here. Really it depends on the mood. I love my cuddles but that usually last thing at night or first in the morning we get too hot otherwise. I spend alot of time hanging off the bed for air. lol
Sarah is also a very small girl so she gets space (even when we cuddle) lol.
I agree with Black. Both are equally needed from time to time. One would be no good if you didn't have the option of the other. ;)

How come everyone outside of this thread (even regular posters) seems to have turned to lurking this week? For fear of sounding like Aion, I'm trying to stimulate discussion here but no-one's biting. Several good-sized posts on my opinion of Slayers and not a single reply? :(