The General Conversation Area

@chaos - good stuff. So you have to enclose in speechmark the phrase you don't want rather than the one you do..? I realised you needed to do -buffy pretty quickly like. :lol:

Hey, whadda ya know, it's livening up a bit in here... as it livens up out here in the world of work. Typical.
Tachi- said:

You go to edinborough Uni right?

Look around for a guy called Andy Yule, he'll be one of the freshers....He's one of my mates :D

Edinburgh Uni? No, I'm at heriot-Watt..but i'd love to be at Edinburgh instead...but i'm not that lucky, hah. It annoys me that they never let me in because i was a grade off, but thats how things go.
@Arby & Lupus : I'll have to look into Vagabond (haven't heard of it) but I have heard a lot about Vinland Saga. Both manga sadly are still being published. I really do want to read Vinland Saga too but I just can't handle another one not completed just yet. No of any manga that are of a similar theme but have been finished? That's what I need right now.

It is indeed getting lively in here. Wish it was this morning (no offence Tachi). ;)
Aww :/

That sucks, Anyone on here go there??

Btw arby, how's life goin anyway?

Edit: dw Voddas, none taken lol i'd have liked it to be busier this mornin too.

From the Wiki link of Vinland looks good, like a serious version of one piece.
@Tachi: I know one person that goes there, though i don't talk to them much really. Its only a bus in the other direction for me anyway, i still live in Edinburgh, my uni is just out the eastern outskirts of the city instead of bang in the middle like edinburgh uni is.

Life ain't going to bad thanks, at least now anyway. I've never had so many problems with money until this past week, and its really driven me up the wall and back i can say. I haven't been able to sort out my SAAS loan yet because of my brothers college being complete idiots and the uni had mucked up my flat payments, not making them available for 10 installments and on top of that, adding an extra 700 to it when they shouldn't have. The latter problems are sorted at least now, but i still need to sort out SAAS.

How's yourself Tach?

@Voddas: I don't tend to read much that which isn't ongoing, hah. Vagabond, One Piece, Drifters, Soul eater, FMA, etc etc, so i'm not sure. Erm..i would say hellsing, but i expect you've either read that fully or watching Ultimate. Only titles i'm reading which are finished which may take your fancy are ones like Monster perhaps.
Voddas said:
@Arby & Lupus : I'll have to look into Vagabond (haven't heard of it) but I have heard a lot about Vinland Saga. Both manga sadly are still being published.
Vagabond is from the same guy who made Slam Dunk, but it's WAY different from that sport comedy.

It possibly has one of the best arts of all for sure, also, if you like what you see on Vagabond, take a look at the novel Musashi.
Sounds Hectic mate,
Hopefully it all sorts itself out pretty soon, its never nice having to juggle round things like money.

I'm fine, beating off this throat infection and still getting round to tidying lol as the past few weeks all my friends have been heading off to uni we've been going out and drinking.
Well as you'd guess, going out drinking, ontop of my usual expendatures like lunches during the week, sorting out meeting up with the gf and going out doing things, taxi's to and from places and small extra's evry now and then....getting a tattoo, having to put £250 in a Icer account to save my friends job....that £250 that i now can't touch till the weekend (if i touch it within 5 days of its installment then it won't save his job)
It all adds up....and i'm dipping more and more into my savings....something that i don't like doing, thankfully i get paid every thursday.....however i'm only paid for what i work the previous week....and unless i claim annual leave, all time off time i'm losing money.

Tbh it's not all doom and gloom, i'm fine and happy, have to fix our neighbours laptop tonight (the poor lad was shocked when he turned it on and it wouldn't work...and his little face lit up when i said i'll take a look at it, I'm too nice sometimes :) )
Have friday off work and driving in 40 mins... also i should be able to get my head down tonight without coughing too much....voice is returning and in work i've been given simple tasks as i can't talk :lol:
Eep, throat infection. Hopefully that'll go sooner rather than later.
I would've thought people would have started uni a bit sooner no? Unless they don't start until the 28th, then that'd make a bit of sense. Since most uni's here started either last week or this one.(we did get monday off ourselves though, i can't complain).
Hah, I tend to find juggling as many things as that a bit more annoying to be honest, mind you its probably because you've gotta even out how much you spend, so its always annoying choosing where to spend more and where to spend less. £250 to save his job? Hmm, i'll be honest, i don't quite get it, but hey, there we go.

Eep, i take it you have to pay rent or something as well? Since that can make things more annoying. I know exactly what being in debt/lacking money is like, so i'd try and find some way to keep outta it whenever possible, while still getting time to yourself of course. Otherwise you'll just get stressed too much.

There is no such thing as being too nice ;p And talking about getting away, i may do the same in about half an hour, but i'll wait and see.
@Arba: Never mind. I've read moster actually. One of the first manga I ever read threw from start to finish. Great story. Guess I'll have a nosey about. I'm spoilt for choice really.

@chaos: OooH! Vagabond does look like it would be a pleasure to read. Why is it still publishing?!! Curses... *ahem* Gah, like I said. I will get round to reading them eventually, but for now, I'll just keep my eyes out for completed series.

Edit: Tachi hasn't got a throat infection. :roll: He just doesn't chew his food. ;)
I have no idea. he works for Lloyds, he called me up in desperation as he could lose his job as he had been slacking and only had 3 out of 10 a couple of months...lazy sod.

Anyway, he dealt with it, moved my money about and i went into the bank to sign/authorise it.

My job's done lol.
Seagull with a hotdog? hah, no wonder then ;p

Tonight? Well once i'm done here..which will be in about 15-20 minutes, i'm gonna get home and work some more on Halo: ODST, since i haven't had much chance to do so yet. May endulge in some DVD's or something as well if i find the time around writing some essay stuff, but there we go. No internet and no TV at the flat does make the place somewhat boring, but that'll change from next monday. Internet will be at the flat \o/