The General Conversation Area

You see, that's how cress should look, with the stalks all different lengths and stuff. When it's sold in shops it's all perfect and it's all the same level...pretentious!
Too much cuteness radiates form your avatar pics and your posts re. your little one; I'm sorry, but you must go to the Shinji corner so that we can rebalance the atmosphere a bit here...
*looks at @Patient-X , looks at @~AyaMachi~ , lifts aya by the scruff, moves on his way to the corner* sorry, you cannot corner something you find way too cute/fall in love with, it's the same rule with punching
I’ll take monster musume for keeping him quiet. Or maybe la blue girl
just don't take my copy and sell it at Cex
Rofl, she has no interest in anime so I’m safe. She won’t even ask what it’s about.
what attached woman doesn't know what it's about? as soon as a woman is dating/engaged/married, it's like she's seen it herself, and must remove her SO's copy at all costs, it is of course, smut but only to them. all men, even attached men, can appreciate it as a work of art