Again, I've felt that myself at some points (probably mainly as a defence mechanism more than anything else) but... couldn't maintain that mindset forever. It had to come crashing down at some point.
Interesting, because this is something I struggle with, too. I don't mean my stance to sound arrogant or aloof or anything: I think it's just an admission of a lack of overlapping interests or similarities in ways of seeing things. I think I've got a pretty low compatibility rate with people!
I had to concede long ago that I must evidently fall into this category, since people have always generally seemed to tire of me rather quickly. The exceptions to that rule are to be treasured.
I mean, I do try not to be boring and everything, but...
Well, I can tell you honestly, I don't find you boring at all. I chose this site out of a handfull of others, and it seems I chose wisely. People here are friendly, and whilst I still feel like I'm finding my groove sometimes due to lack of any social interaction for so darn long, I genuinelly feel like I can just be myself here and not worry about what people think. In the short time I've known you, you have made me laugh more times than I probably did the whole of last year (I did NOT have a lot to laugh about). Plus, you were there when I needed to vent - I have NO-ONE around me to be able to talk **** over with; I've handled my own problems for far too long and it takes it's toll (mentally and emotionally). So it means alot to me to have people I feel I can trust enough to just let stuff out without fear of judgement, and it really helps. I don't think you're boring, far from it. Maybe you just need to overcome a bit of shyness, or insecurities, though I doubt it; you seem very confident to me in the way you come across, and you word things very articulately, so to me that signifies intelligence - I don't mean that people have to be geniuses, but I do like to actually communicate properly (and nt tlk lyk dis m8). People aren't always compatible in terms of interests, sure, and even in terms of values and morals, people can be different, it's just about respecting the other person's passions and beliefs. I think when it comes to relationships, it's more the case of interests can be different, but things like morals and values make up for it - you need to be on the same page with those, or it's a tricky road ahead.
Respect, trust, honesty, those things are important in ANY relationship in my opinion, friendship or more.
I've only chatted to you over this forum, but you seem like a decent and honest person, who is respectful and polite to people. You know how to have a laugh, but you keep it tasteful (too many people think it's edgy and cool to make fun of groups of people and make derogatory jokes - if you're going to be like that, you can get out of my life is what I think!)