Blue-ray Vs. HD-DVD. From what I've read of American film releases so far is that HD-DVD is kicking blue-ray's butt for both disc content and quality of picture/sound. Why? Sony's Blue-ray is still using the MPEG 2 encoder tech' and to get a HD picture its taking up a lot of storage space on each disc, meaning there's not much room left for extras and hi-def surround sound. HD-DVD using VC-1 for encoding HD pictures, it uses less space and offers better picture quality, ergo, more room for those extras and hi-def surround sound channels
HD-TV. Will we notice/do we care?! Yes, you will notice the difference. At the moment most people use a DVD to CRT TV, connected via an analog cable (composite, scart (RGB), s-vhs, component). Introduction of some noise into the picture/sound channel goes hand in hand with the process of converting from digital (DVD disc) to analog (dvd player output, interconnect & TV), and the longer that the analog signal is handled, the more susceptible it is to degradation.
_With the intro' of HDMI ports on DVD players, DLP/LCD projectors and on HD-TV's the source information (picture/sound) is kept in its digital format until it reaches is destination (hi-fi or TV) and is then converted into its analog signal. This way, degradation of the signal is kept to a minimum and you are more reliant on the quality of the final component (tv / hi-fi) than all of them (dvd player / interconnects / tv / hi-fi ). Using HDMI equipped components should ensure that you are getting the best picture/sound quality you can.
The devils in the detail! Right, you've got that 'HD Ready' 42" Plasma TV and the HDMI equipped dvd player, you site down to watch a film and realise that something is missing, the picture lacks clarity, focus. Why, because of the picture format (UK - 576i PAL, USA - 480i NTSC), there just isn't enough room to get all that nice detail you saw at the local cinema crammed in. This is where High Definition comes in. The Uk HD format uses 720i, 720p, 1080i & 1080p (these are the number of horizontal lines with either an interlaced(i) or progressive(p) signal) same as America but a different refresh rates. The upshot of higher picture resolution is more detail. All of the current American HD-DVD's and Blue-ray use the higher 1080p format

so masses of detail.
HD and Anime. The main difference will be in picture clarity and sound quality, for most TV series or OAV's things will just be sharper and more focused on the screen. The real big difference will come with the theatrical releases, where huge budgets have been spent ensuring the minutest of detail is present and correct. Either of the new HD formats should see a faithful transfer of this detail, but HD-DVD is proving to be that little bit better than Blue-Ray, for the moment.