Forget the RPG's. Forget MGS4 and anything else you care to mention. I don't care about them. Just give me THIS:
Supreme Commander. The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation (one of my favourite games of all time. FINALLY, an RTS that's taking things up from where TA left off. Forget all the 'smaller is better' crap that we've been seeing in Warcraft and Dawn of War, this game has SCALE, coupled with everything I loved about TA.
The full 3 minute trailer (still shakey-cam, and less clear than the above) found here:
Top-right corner.
If you like RTS's in any way shape or form and haven't heard about Supreme Commander you owe it to yourself to check it out. The recent Gamespot preview's a good place to start:
Supreme Commander. The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation (one of my favourite games of all time. FINALLY, an RTS that's taking things up from where TA left off. Forget all the 'smaller is better' crap that we've been seeing in Warcraft and Dawn of War, this game has SCALE, coupled with everything I loved about TA.
The full 3 minute trailer (still shakey-cam, and less clear than the above) found here:
Top-right corner.
If you like RTS's in any way shape or form and haven't heard about Supreme Commander you owe it to yourself to check it out. The recent Gamespot preview's a good place to start: