Overseas The Discotek Media Thread (plus AnimEigo)

Wow this screams of entitlement and al and others don't owe you or anyone anything and i don't want company reps being put off coming on these forums because of posts like yours and mods it would be a good idea about making rule about making demands for licenses from uk anime companies.
And this post kinda screams bait given that you're not exactly given to holding back your opinions yourself @Anime1977. I think highly enough of our industry reps that I trust they aren't so delicate as to be triggered into leaving forever because I've drawn attention to a simple fact of economics. I don't want to go back to the bad old days where I import things only find out I could have supported a UK distributor instead; I'm specifically NOT blaming UK distros for this, rather licence agreements that prevent them from announcing releases before the US, which seems really skewed in favour of US distributors.
And this post kinda screams bait given that you're not exactly given to holding back your opinions yourself @Anime1977. I think highly enough of our industry reps that I trust they aren't so delicate as to be triggered into leaving forever because I've drawn attention to a simple fact of economics. I don't want to go back to the bad old days where I import things only find out I could have supported a UK distributor instead; I'm specifically NOT blaming UK distros for this, rather licence agreements that prevent them from announcing releases before the US, which seems really skewed in favour of US distributors.

Yeah, I agree with you @ayase. It's too early in the morning for accusing people of entitlement on tenuous grounds 🤣 XP It is a valid point - I will consider importing Gunbuster but would happily wait for a local UK release if it's announced soon :)
Wow this screams of entitlement and al and others don't owe you or anyone anything and i don't want company reps being put off coming on these forums because of posts like yours and mods it would be a good idea about making rule about making demands for licenses from uk anime companies.
What on earth are you talking about? In what way is saying "Hey if you have this you should tell people before the US release comes out to stop them importing that instead" making demands for licenses from UK anime companies? Don't be ridiculous.
And this post kinda screams bait given that you're not exactly given to holding back your opinions yourself @Anime1977. I think highly enough of our industry reps that I trust they aren't so delicate as to be triggered into leaving forever because I've drawn attention to a simple fact of economics. I don't want to go back to the bad old days where I import things only find out I could have supported a UK distributor instead; I'm specifically NOT blaming UK distros for this, rather licence agreements that prevent them from announcing releases before the US, which seems really skewed in favour of US distributors.
Its not bait.its your wording. You said Yeah, I would really, very much appreciate if anyone who might have obtained Gunbuster for the UK could announce it ASAP,
Its not bait.its your wording. You said Yeah, I would really, very much appreciate if anyone who might have obtained Gunbuster for the UK could announce it ASAP,
Saying I would "really appreciate" something is entitlement? What? Perhaps if I had unreasonably demanded it I could see your point, but I didn't do that because I'm not demanding it. I would very much appreciate it, hence that's exactly what I wrote.

How would you prefer I express a desire for something to happen without sounding "entitled"?
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Its not bait.its your wording. You said Yeah, I would really, very much appreciate if anyone who might have obtained Gunbuster for the UK could announce it ASAP,
Probably best to give up on this one. I don't think they'll be changing their stance anytime soon. Sometimes the best engagement is no engagement
Cheese to the cheese thread, Discotek discussion here and mod demands about new rules to my PM box, please.

In an attempt to divert the derailment...

I love Discotek. They're the only US company doing anything I care about these days and a lot of it is long stuff that will never be commercially viable here (e.g. Sgt Frog, a truly insane license rescue even without the BBFC being involved). Gunbuster has stood the test of time for a lot of us so hopefully that will make it across. A new dub, though? There's so much unexpected dubbing/redubbing lately; I'm happy for the dub fans but rather bewildered by it all! Discotek's release strategies must be working well for them.

Discotek may yet turn me into a Lupin fan, although I don't know yet for sure. I 've purchased a few Lupin titles from them, just to test out the waters. My only exposure to Lupin was Castle of Cagliostro in the Studio Ghibli lineup, which I liked a good bit, and then I watched some of A Woman Called Fujiko Mine but that was a little too strange for me, and I never bothered to revisit the franchise after that. But, I just recently started watching the Part IV series and it was decent enough, and I also picked up a couple of the movie specials on Blu-ray to check out. Kinda reminds me of the Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers.
Shaman King was something I was really really hoping Discotek would release - since they're on such a roll with rescuing old 4Kids stuff from the abyss, I'm just really really hoping for Ultimate Muscle sometime soon 😅