The Bad luck wish (game)

You purchase it from the 'net and eventually gets to your door. Unfortunately, it took a forklift to carry it to your door, and you can't even lift is... Karura (Uterwarumono) totally pwns you!
Oh... and you've become bankrupt by card fraudsters.

I wish I had a maid house, with all the girls paying close attention to me... In a good way. ;)
(Yes... For some reason today, I have a Maid girl obsession... Damn Negima!)
But then the Maids become so obsessed with you, changing your diet, making you do excercise and make you choose one maid...

I wish I became a Soul Reaper / Shinigami
You have the soul reaper, and then you have a shinigami next to you... Apparently, you just stole his Zanpaku and he wants it back... the hard way!
R.I.P C.Demon.

I wish hole (Make what you wish about that wish) ;)