~The avatar thread~

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Dir en Grey's old single cover: Clever Sleazoid, I remember the first time I heard it, the awesomeness has since faded and left me. ;_;
Sumeragi Subaru from X/1999 (and also in Tokyo Babylon, but he was much younger then). I have a complete obsession with the guy ^^##
I tend to use the same avatar on most forums, size limitations permitting. Either a static pic of me at a bar, or me kicking from a few years back.


Made it with a program so simple even I can use it - Animator9. I did a screen print step by step on a vid, got the images all the same dimensions, put them in a folder in sequence, then opened up the program, went to 'stitch', select the right folder, add in the files, then click 'controls', get the speed right and...voila!

Pretty easy. As I'd been looking for a while to get something this easy, thought others might have been too.
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