K kupocake Stand User 3 July 2005 #61 this has been very good so far, it's quite funny and the art is quite good as well
J JAKEMAN Stand User 4 July 2005 #66 second match in section B the match your craving SHADES VS VALHA
N Necromancer Stand User 4 July 2005 #67 More great stuff JAKEMAN, can't wait for the next part of Shades vs Valha.
N neptune2venus Hunter 4 July 2005 #73 Lol! JAKEMAN your manga is excellent as always and I love the battles, you draw them so well!! Keep up the good work! ________ Iolite vaporizer
Lol! JAKEMAN your manga is excellent as always and I love the battles, you draw them so well!! Keep up the good work! ________ Iolite vaporizer
J JAKEMAN Stand User 4 July 2005 #75 the next matches will be up next week im going to do a little back story about the announcers tomorrow just for filler (dont we love filler)
the next matches will be up next week im going to do a little back story about the announcers tomorrow just for filler (dont we love filler)
A Apple Bun Thousand Master 5 July 2005 #77 lol there great loved it there getting better and better cant wait 4 the next 1 :3
R Ryo Chan Symphogear 5 July 2005 #80 lol jakeman u got that the wrong way round, i'm more likely the one to sing