The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

i got brust angel yesterday

and today i got
yu yu hakusho as a xmas gift from neko THANK YOU NEKO

i also got vol 1 of angelic layer r1 with artbox, Texhnolyze - Volume 1 r1 with artbox and Get Backers - Volume 1 r1 with artbox.
Necromancer said:
subedii said:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Necromancer said:
Today I got GitS SAC: 2nd Gig vol1
Any problems like out of sync subs or audio glitches?

What Dave said.

I've only watched the dub so far but not found any audio glitches. I had a quick check of the subs during ep 3, there's no translation for what is written on the Cash-Eye card shown near the end of the ep :? .
Gah, they forgot to do the sign translations again. Anyway just so you know it says something like...

"We came to conduct an in inspection" "Tax Bureau Inspections Division"
That's from the fansub anyway. I'm still waiting for my US volume 1 to arrive., I can't sleep at all tonight.... -_-
Following manga titles dropped in the post this morning:

Full Metal Alchemist v4&5
Nodame Cantabile v3
Midori no Hibi v3
Scrapped Princess v2
Smuggler v1
Fruits Basket v12
Full Metal Panic! Overload v2
Cancelled my order for X TV part 2 (been waiting a month and a half and apparently UP don't even know if it's still in print- will order the singles from caiman or amazon US at a later date). In its place I've ordered Gunslinger Girl vol 3 and Spiral vols 2-4.
Just ordered GitS SAC: 2nd Gig vols 2-7, Ikki Tousen vol 2 and Burst Angel vol 2 from :D. Good to see that all of 2nd Gig will be available before the end of the year (if the release dates don't move).

Edit: The set of 8 Fate/Stay Night gashapon I ordered arrived a few mins ago :).
today i got Ghost in the Shell the movie..finally decided to get round to watching it..and bought the first volume of Battle vixens DVD...i got the first ikki-tousen manga free with it and a box to hold the DVD's in
Necromancer said:
Today my Tokyo Godfathers gift set arrived :D, the 600 page storyboard book that comes with it is not in english :(.

It's a crime!
The storyboards themselves aren't so bad as it's mostly to show the work and art involved in the production, but they should have translated all the interviews and bits.
got a few things since i last posted

Adventures of Mini-Goddess #4 (MVM)
Gundam SEED #9 (Beez)
Samurai 7 #1 (MVM)
Samurai Champloo #3 (MVM)

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