Tenchi Muyo, What's the appeal?

Seems I got confused between gxp and the new series for a sec there ^.^' Despite this, the Dual main character is definitely not related to Tenchi, it is set in yet another Tenchi 'spinoff' world sort....of....thing....

"The anime series Parallel Trouble Adventure Dual! is created by Kajishima-sensei and according to him does tie in to the OAV universe in some way. In GXP, there are tie-over references to Dual! with a mecha very much like Zinv being found on a distant planet. In the Dual! series, however, none of the characters are directly related to the characters in Tenchi Muyo! however (although the main character Kazuki Yotsuga coincidentally has the same name as King Azusa Jurai's father). Incidentally, and rather amusingly, the otherwise non-OAV continuity characters Kiyone, Rumiya, and Misao appear very briefly at the end of Dual! episode 14." - Taken from http://www.astronerdboy.com/tenchi/

Dual was quite a good series in itself, but seemed a bit Evangelion-esk in the mech bits if memory serves.
Ryo Chan said:
...Where as Tenchi is also considered a sister series to El Hazard
Tell me more about it. I've been willing to get El Hazard for ages now, but I never knew it was related to Tenchi.
I will say this. Tenchi was a lot better than the rip offs that followed like love hina. It was copied so mjuch after it came out and it is still considered one of the best in it's genre!
chaos said:
Ryo Chan said:
...Where as Tenchi is also considered a sister series to El Hazard
Tell me more about it. I've been willing to get El Hazard for ages now, but I never knew it was related to Tenchi.

still working through it atm, tiz definatly a good show if you like tenchi, it's mainly refered to as the sister show because it was done the way they originally wanted Tenchi to go, before AIC got hold of it

@Mega: it's not officially noted, but it's pretty much fan based force that he is related, mainly from the fact the he can form the light hawk wings just like tenchi
fabricatedlunatic said:
The second OVA series wasn't as good, though - it felt like a rehash - and I didn't bother with any of the TV incarnations, nor the third OVA. I'm happy to fondly remember those first six episodes and how much I enjoyed them all those years ago.

If you didn't watch Tenchi Universe then you really are missing out as it is just as good, if not better than the original OVA.

Saying that you can pick up the first OVA for about £6-10 so theres no reason not to own it on dvd.
My concern has always been how well a Tenchi series would hold up over 26 episodes, hence my reluctance to consider anything other than the glorious first OVA and the slightly less glorious second OVA.

And I don't know whether the first OVA DVD comment was aimed at me, but I own the Ultimate Edition, which was one of my first DVD purchases. At the time I was blown away by the video quality; it was like watching the show for the first time all over again. Just as well, really, considering it set me back 80 quid :eek:
fabricatedlunatic said:
My concern has always been how well a Tenchi series would hold up over 26 episodes, hence my reluctance to consider anything other than the glorious first OVA and the slightly less glorious second OVA.

And I don't know whether the first OVA DVD comment was aimed at me, but I own the Ultimate Edition, which was one of my first DVD purchases. At the time I was blown away by the video quality; it was like watching the show for the first time all over again. Just as well, really, considering it set me back 80 quid :eek:

Lucky you, i've had a look for that edition for absolute yonks and haven't even seen one copy on ebay. I've been desperatley trying to get my mits on the 10 year anniversary edition but anyone that has one is holding onto it, and rightly so.

Tenchi over 26 episodes is fine. In my opinion the quality doesn't falter, there are a few bits of filler and side stories here and there.

I'm surprised you don't like episodes 6-12, i personally dont think the OVA's drop in quality until OVA 3 that just came out a few years ago.