Tenchi Muyo, What's the appeal?

If you've seen it then the appeal should be obvious, its a harem anime without actualy touching heavily on the harem side, for once it isn't some horny guy chasing women, but women after him and its done with suttlety (sp?) which makes it a more heart warming experience.

Plus you get the side story of who Tenchi really his and where his family came from, not to mention the additional characters like Washu and the police force who bring a great number of comic events to the story.

Yes I love Tenchi Muyo
It was the show that started a genre. Good action, well written script, fluid animation, brilliant musical score. Tenchi has it all.

To be fair if you've only seen the OVA's and Toyko then you've missed out on quite a bit. Tokyo isn't the best in the franchise and many fans don't even rate it at all. Theres still Tenchi Universe and 3 movies to watch.

But if you didn't like it then it's easy to be confused as to all the hype. I'm the biggest Tenchi fan around, yes really, but i understand that Tenchi isn't for everyone.

Plus if you don't like it, you should be sent to eternal damnation.
Nyu said:
It was the show that started a genre.
Proof of this, please. D:

Nyu said:
Plus if you don't like it, you should be sent to eternal damnation.
I used to LOVE it, watched it recently and didn't think much of it, considering Tenchi Universe is the exact same thing as the first OVA, had great expectation for it and then I watched it and was all "... that was it?"

Though I'll admit the characters were awesome and always wanted Tenchi to get with Ryoko back in the day when it aired on CN.
My main issue with it is that it's allegedly a romance anime but there isn't actually a mutual attraction between any two characters (except in the Tokyo series).
Lupus Inu said:
Nyu said:
It was the show that started a genre.
Proof of this, please. D:

Before Tenchi booted the genre into the spotlight there were only a few series with harem as one of the core elements. Uraseu Yatsura in 1981 and Outlanders in 1985. It wasn't until Tenchi in 1992 that the harem genre was catapulted into one of the most popular genres to date. If it wasn't for the popularity of Tenchi you probably wouldn't have series such as Oh My Goddess! Love Hina etc.

Ark said:
My main issue with it is that it's allegedly a romance anime but there isn't actually a mutual attraction between any two characters (except in the Tokyo series).

Tenchi is not a romance anime in the lateral sence of the word. It's a harem. Big difference between the two. In romance there is a clear cut definition of relationships, in harem it's more complicated with several characters after the protaganists attention.
Lupus Inu said:
Nyu said:
It was the show that started a genre.
Proof of this, please. D:
Yea I'd like proof too. I'm fairly sure A.I. Love you was released first. 8)
- hmm, just checked. A.I. Love you was released in 1994. Didn't think Tenchi was that old.

I've never seen the point of the show either despite enjoying some of the humour in A.I. Love You and Love Hina and of course loving everything in Negima.
I have been meaning to watch it for ages, caught about 10 odd episodes when it was aired on cartoon network a good 5 years ago. I sort of got into it but then wandered off elsewhere.

Definitely on my to watch list tho - i trust Nyu's opinion :p
Ark said:
The thread title is fairly self-explanatory. I really don't get the hype around this show.
It's because people seem to think that just because a show makes a genre popular to the masses, it's automatically the best of its genre. If I could sum up the series in two adjectives, I'd say it was boring and cliche.
McIcy said:
If you've seen it then the appeal should be obvious, its a harem anime without actualy touching heavily on the harem side, for once it isn't some horny guy chasing women, but women after him and its done with suttlety (sp?) which makes it a more heart warming experience
That happens in practically every harem nowadays, so I still don't see how that's supposed to make it special.
Or how a seemingly weak boy does work for a relative and then leaves on a journey upon which he discovers he has a great power and only he can save the universe.

Add in some shallow character development, and you can see where I'm heading.
Maxon said:
Or how a seemingly weak boy does work for a relative and then leaves on a journey upon which he discovers he has a great power and only he can save the universe.

Ah, i wasn't into star wars that much but i can see the similarities your getting at. But Tenchi was at school at the start, he only quit when all the girls turned up.

I wouldn't say the anime was deep on any level either, it's just not that kind of show. Tenchi's just one big melting pot of genres and you watch it for a good time, or atleast i do.

Not everybody loves Tenchi.
trumpster said:
Lupus Inu said:
Nyu said:
It was the show that started a genre.
Proof of this, please. D:
Yea I'd like proof too. I'm fairly sure A.I. Love you was released first. 8)
- hmm, just checked. A.I. Love you was released in 1994. Didn't think Tenchi was that old.

I've never seen the point of the show either despite enjoying some of the humour in A.I. Love You and Love Hina and of course loving everything in Negima.

While I don't think it was the 1st harem series, it was definitely one of the first to popularise the genre, much like Eva or Gundam weren't the first mecha series, but they do define it.
For me appeal of Tenchi is in the pure brainlessness of it. after a bad day at work it allows me to switch the brain off and relax. Ark (I think) was right to say that they often have the romantic content of a cheese sandwich, but occasionally they can have very romantic parts, the first few episodes of Ai Yori Aoshi are very romantic (or so i'll lead to believe).