Technical Difficulties

Project-2501 said:
The downside is due to anime's very localised licensing the local distros do miss out if you import. (assuming its actually available in R2)

That IS a good point, and I'm glad you mentioned it.

Worth stating that my policy is to buy R2 anime wherever possible. In some cases, it actually works out cheaper than going for the R1 discs.
HdE said:
A point about the apparent 'visual glitches' on region 1 Gundam 00 discs. I'm guessing we're talking about the weird 'aliasing' effect, right?

It's actually not a glitch, per se - but it is kinda annoying.

If you fiddle with the display options on your TV and / or DVD player, you'll notice that full-screen mode makes the problem disappear - although it may take a while to get used to the way the image is now 'stretched'.

When I first heard about Gundam 00, I heard a lot of talk about it being purpose made for HD and widescreen TV (I personally think that's a bad idea), and that's where I think the problems stem from.

EDIT: Wait a minute! Doesn't this belong in the Technical Difficulties thread? :eek:

Sorry but this is pretty much nonsense. Just because you can stretch the picture to crop out the top, thus not removing, but obscuring the issue, does not in any way illustrate that this was intended. The fact that the issue vanishes when post production text placement shows up (for signs and locations) alone illustrates the fact that this obviously was not intended, and not because it was made purely for Widescreen or HD. It's a defect down to negligence, pure and simple.
HdE said:
Project-2501 said:
The downside is due to anime's very localised licensing the local distros do miss out if you import. (assuming its actually available in R2)

That IS a good point, and I'm glad you mentioned it.

Worth stating that my policy is to buy R2 anime wherever possible. In some cases, it actually works out cheaper than going for the R1 discs.

Mine too. In fact I pretty much only buy r2, because if I buy r1 it'll eventually come out on r2 and I'll be p***ed I didn't wait. Plus my player is rubbish and won't play region 1 or even NTSC region free
I think there's some wisdom in buying R2 - I mean, it's always good if the show you're watching has been converted to our 'special' TV format.

And by 'special' , I mean 'nobody else uses it'. :p

While I've not had any serious issues with playback quality of region 1 discs, I have spoken to a few folks who report a range of bizarre glitches. maybe I've just been lucky so far...
Uhh... it appears I may be talking about a different problem to you, BAKA.

I'm just reporting my own personal findings with regard to things I've noticed on my Gundam 00 discs. I've not actually fiddled with subtitles at all.

My bad - should have made that clearer!
More of the world is PAL than NTSC. I work in a video related market and most of what we ship around the world is PAL. SECAM is slowly going away.

There is an awful lot on R1 that I'd say has no hope of R2 release (which is a shame). The pain was I bought Haruhi about 6 months before Beez licensed it :) DOH!

There is no such thing as free society ;)
Project-2501 said:
More of the world is PAL than NTSC. I work in a video related market and most of what we ship around the world is PAL. SECAM is slowly going away.

Gah! This is what I had in mind.

I'm always getting my PAL and NTSC arguments mixed up - see why I started this thread? :lol:
Project-2501 said:
More of the world is PAL than NTSC. I work in a video related market and most of what we ship around the world is PAL. SECAM is slowly going away.

There is an awful lot on R1 that I'd say has no hope of R2 release (which is a shame). The pain was I bought Haruhi about 6 months before Beez licensed it :) DOH!

There is no such thing as free society ;)

I did the same with the single volumes :roll:

Getting back to the forum topic, sometimes the DVDs themselves are poorly made. I'm not naming any names but i've had cheap anime and foreign DVDs that wont play in my player, or seem to pixelate alot.
Lets just hope when they release region free BD players over here they'll be a little bit more robust, along with the discs..
The problem with the R1 Gundam 00 disc (it was only one) was that there was a weird line of video noise at the top where they'd screwed up the authoring, which was rendered all the more obvious by vanishing and returning during certain scenes which had been done in a different way. It wasn't as bad as some bugs but it was quite distracting and ugly. I don't think the R2 from Beez is affected. The only weird thing I noticed on Beez's version was the Japanese subtitles often weren't translated in the English subtitle track (not annoying for me personally but probably more so for obsessive people who can't read Japanese).

I prefer R2 bugs to R1 ones was if there's a fix available we can actually take advantage of it, I have to say. Bandai (R1) are a lot less reliable than Beez in that respect.

Will split this discussion off in a sec.

ilmaestro said:
HdE said:
When I first heard about Gundam 00, I heard a lot of talk about it being purpose made for HD and widescreen TV (I personally think that's a bad idea)
Er... why? Most shows are now.

Whoops! Nearly missed this.

It's just a preference thing, really. Widescreen's nice an' all, but there's something that sometimes feels a bit odd to me about watching anime in that format. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it's quite obtrusive. Just my opinion, is all.

As for HD - I've just never been convinced there's a huge need for high definition when it comes to anime. It's nice to have sharp lines and colours on-screen, but... we kinda had that with DVD, didn't we?

It's just me being pernickety, basically ;) I'm sure some kind soul will come and shoot all that out of the water :lol:
More of the world is in HD now!

Anime has always been a primarily NTSC product, US and Japan broadcast their television originally in NTSC, which means very little television anime in PAL territories gets a decent transfer. It's all NTSC-PAL standards conversion, which means low res, softness, jerky pans and judder, and ghosting. Watching a Region 1 DVD on a PAL TV set has its own issues, with a subliminal flicker for some people, some aliasing, and again a lower resolution. But the animation is sharper and smoother than the average NTSC-PAL conversion.

It's six of one, half a dozen of the other, and it also depends on the company. I like Bandai's transfers (although disc authoring is another thing entirely), while Funimation's video quality leaves a lot to be desired. ADV was pretty good.

Here, because we usually get Madman's hand me downs, it's even more pot luck.

It'll all be OK once everything is HD and following one standard, but reading discussions about Funi's upscaled BDs doesn't leave me with a lot of hope
Argh it's hard splitting/merging when people are posting ;_;

I think everything's in the right place again now... if not I'll fix after dinner. Back to the discussions!

Hah! The technical difficulties thread is beset by... technical difficulties!

Good points there JPT. I sometimes forget how fortunate I am in that my set up (DVD + TV) handles NTSC pretty smoothly. I've got *just* enough savvy to optimise the doo-dahs for the smoothest results.

regarding the Gundam 00 bug - before I appear to be a completely hopeless n00b (which of course, I am, but that's beside the point).

Thanks for the clarification, Rui. I'm aware of that 'authoring' problem (it IS rather distracting) but that wasn't what I was talking about. You'll have to forgive me, as I tend to go on autopilot with these things!

My rambling about TV and display modes was to do with a problem somebody mentioned to me elsewhere. It's to do with a strange effect present in the DVD playback where the edges of objects appear to be aliased or ill-defined. That can be pretty irritating too - but it's fixable.

I have found that issues like this with DVD playback (not necessarily just with anime) tend to crop up quite a bit. Sometimes they're easily remedied with just a bit of poking-about in the menus and things in the equipment. And of course, just to add to the confusion, some players perform better than others, and obviate these problems.

Hence, my justification for this thread, we can chat the issues over.
Pretty much every LCD/Plasma TV can display NTSC in its native res and framerate, long gone are the days of framerate conversion on the fly. Yuk!

I'd say PAL is the preferred format for films, the film to PAL conversion is far neater than film to NTSC even if the runtime is 5% shorter. Its pretty hard to get the NTSC conversion wrong and you get horrific juddering when things pan across the screen.

Even HD has different framerate standards, its not all the same. The PAL world is 25/50fps, the NTSC world is 30/60fps, and good film transfer BDs are in 24fps. But again HD TVs will show them in native framerate. (although not all can do 24)

Rui, that'll be the timecode in the inactive lines. Basically they got the start of active video wrong. Its also very TV dependant as some cut more lines off the top than others.

Modern TVs also have a host of noise reduction and picture sharpening that works OK for live action where there are lots of gradients, but for animation it can go mental. First thing I do is turn them off.
Project-2501 said:
Rui, that'll be the timecode in the inactive lines. Basically they got the start of active video wrong. Its also very TV dependant as some cut more lines off the top than others.

I can vouch for this - (amazing, considering my lack of savvy with this stuff!) - and also for this:

Project-2501 said:
Modern TVs also have a host of noise reduction and picture sharpening that works OK for live action where there are lots of gradients, but for animation it can go mental. First thing I do is turn them off.

In the time I've been watching anime again, i've been watching it on two different TVs. Worth mentioning that I haven't bought myself an LCD or plasma TV yet.

The difference in performance between the sets I've used - both of which were NTSC capable - has been pretty marked. It was a real struggle with my newer TV to get a consistently good picture quality for anime.

I've also been blessed with a handful of different DVD players! I dunno how this happened - they just all came to me somehow! I've found that fiddling with the set-up options menu for the player itself can be equally confusing. But it HAS led to a more satifactory viewing experience.