Super Street Fighter 4 due 2010

Well i'm more than willing to have games on it against anyone willing if they have a 360. AngelArbalest for those that don't have me on there, and until wednesday i won't have my arcade stick, so i maybe easier to beat ;p
Oh and i won't speak, since i also forgot my headset charger cable too when i moved into the flat.
Lupus said:
Mutsumi said:
I usually just pick Ken because I think he is cool looking & plays just like I remember him in Street Fighter 2.
This is the reason SF:IV was swarming with Ken players online. lol.

I used to use Cammy, but I haven't played in a while, there's no one to play with.

I'll fight you, I just need my 360 here ;-;
SNES version ftw. Can't beat having six buttons over three.

I'll play anyone who has it on PS3. I don't see the need to pay to play online when the PS3 service is free.
This is ********... and i totally say this coming... although who didn't.

Capcom are money grabbing bastards. Another 8 characters with extra costumes that are gonna be on the disc that you have to pay to release 0_o

They'll be charging every time you wanna do a hadoken next.
skikes said:
They'll be charging every time you wanna do a hadoken next.
If this actually happened during the console release on SF:IV do you have ANY idea how much money they would have by now?

A lot.
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skikes said:
This is ********... and i totally say this coming... although who didn't.

Capcom are money grabbing bastards. Another 8 characters with extra costumes that are gonna be on the disc that you have to pay to release 0_o

They'll be charging every time you wanna do a hadoken next.

Cast your mind back to the original Street Fighter II. There were four versions & noone complained then.

Street Fighter II - 8 Playable characters, 4 bosses you could not play as
Street Fighter II Turbo - Play as the bosses, bringing the roster to 12. Added speed options & new costume colours.
Super Street Fighter II - 4 new characters, taking the roster to 16. No speed modes.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo - As above, but with the speed modes returning. Probably new costume colours too.

We've got it so much better now.

Lastly, noone is forced to buy it. They're no more money-grabbing than any other company that makes a product that people will choose to buy.
I'll repeat -

Capcom makes you pay for things you've already paid for i.e. extra costumes that are already on the disk

And any other company that does this can also suck my balls.

I'm right and your wrong matsumi, smell my finger!
*whispers* Its 'Mutsumi'...M u t s u m've been doing that for ages but I let you off because you're nice :) Your finger smells funny though so I think I should point it out to you this time about the name thing.

I kno what you mean about the costumes skikes. I bought all the extra costumes too, so I hope whatever new costumes are in turbo are different to the DLC costumes & that the SF4 DLC works with SF4T.

In other news, zavvi have £20 PSN cards for £16.
Mutsumi said:
I bought all the extra costumes too

HAHAHA matsumi, i did not buy those costumes, i will not encourage retardation.

But i'm glad you agree with me. I agree with you too, I am nice.... and my finger does smell funny. ^_^
Sorry to revive this, but do any of you still play Street Fighter IV on a somewhat regular basis at the very least? I've been playing it again recently so if you reply in here or PM me with your PSN or XBL ID, I'll add you so we can have some matches when we're both online. :]
I'm "trying" to get back into SFIV at the moment, but because i was away from the game for so long, i've turned out to be rather crap at it, which annoys me. I think when i played it a couple days ago, out of all the ranked matches i played, i won 1. Mind you, i need to really get the stick itself replaced, as i'm sure its starting to go. I can jump up and backwards, but it doesn't like going forwards much when jumping.

Also on the topic of SSFIV, has ibuki been officially confirmed yet? Its surely a matter of time now after that screenshot with the kunai was released. And does anyone else have any ideas as to who the other characters are going to be?
Arbalest said:
I'm "trying" to get back into SFIV at the moment, but because i was away from the game for so long, i've turned out to be rather crap at it, which annoys me. I think when i played it a couple days ago, out of all the ranked matches i played, i won 1. Mind you, i need to really get the stick itself replaced, as i'm sure its starting to go. I can jump up and backwards, but it doesn't like going forwards much when jumping.

Also on the topic of SSFIV, has ibuki been officially confirmed yet? Its surely a matter of time now after that screenshot with the kunai was released. And does anyone else have any ideas as to who the other characters are going to be?

Last I heard from my friends, there is a total of eight new characters coming to Super Street Fighter IV. I'll list you all eight characters that you should expect to see below, the last two aren't officially confirmed yet but it's a matter of time more than anything else.
  • T. Hawk
  • Dee Jay
  • Juri
  • Adon
  • Cody
  • Guy
  • Ibuki
  • Hakan
They are also considering implementing a guard break system to discourage turtling a little more. I hope they add this and tweak some of Sagat's specials. I'm most looking forward to playing as Juri, might make her my main if she is everything I expect.

What's your ID, I'll add you for some matches. Who do you main?
I knew of T.Hawk to Ibuki, only heard the rumour of Hakan so i didn't know about him. To be honest, i was expecting more new new characters, instead most are returning faces. I won't complain much, but i was expecting more new ones.

Erm, AngelArbalest on XBL, though as said i haven't played in a good while, so i really won't be anything of a challenge. I main sakura usually. Not an easy one to win with i admit, but there we go.
Arbalest said:
I knew of T.Hawk to Ibuki, only heard the rumour of Hakan so i didn't know about him. To be honest, i was expecting more new new characters, instead most are returning faces. I won't complain much, but i was expecting more new ones.

Erm, AngelArbalest on XBL, though as said i haven't played in a good while, so i really won't be anything of a challenge. I main sakura usually. Not an easy one to win with i admit, but there we go.

I'm not so great myself, I play COD4 competitively, I don't have time to play more than one game at such a level when I work seven days a week. I'm at the transitioning stage from beginner to intermediate on SF4 right now, it's not like I read frame data or have mastered how to pull off one frame link combos consistently, so we should be around the same level hopefully.

I'll add you now since I'm signed in, expect a request from 'Nemphtis'. I use the same name on practically everything I'm registered on so if you have PSN or Steam then feel free to add me on there too.
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Oh hey, some new characters that I actually care about, too bad their theme songs got ruined.