Summer Meet-Up in London?

I'll be back down south in June and will be home for 3 months until Uni starts up again. During this time I'll be wanting to go to London a few times but seriously have no idea where to go or how to get there or anything. So I was thinking that maybe we could have a Anime UK News Forum meetup or something, just a day where we all chill out, walking around Chinatown or wherever your local hang-outs are.

Whaddya say? Can we arrange a day for something like this?
Good idea, but the usual for meets on forums is that 100 people will put thier name down and 10% will turn up.

Paul, go hire us a hotel suite for the weekend and get 100 people to pay a deposit. AUK mini-con :)
Nyu said:
Good idea, but the usual for meets on forums is that 100 people will put thier name down and 10% will turn up.

Paul, go hire us a hotel suite for the weekend and get 100 people to pay a deposit. AUK mini-con :)

Yeah I've been to a meetup from another forum I post on, and that's pretty much how it was. But I figured planning it in advance and whatnot would mean there'd be a better chance of it happening at all, as opposed to me posting that I was in London tomorrow and wanted a meetup there and then.
Do you mean sherpa? If so, probably, it depends who else is coming and whatnot. My train goes into Marylebone station and I wouldn't know where to go from there. I'm hopeless. :(