Studio Ghibli season on Film4 through out August


Ghost of Animes
On Sunday Channel 4's cult movie channel Film4 became free to air in the UK and luckily for anime fans, their free relaunch comes just in time for their Studio Ghibli season that will run through out August. The viewing schedule is as follows:Thanks to Spencer Hall and Eye On Anime for this news.
Condering the sheer number of viewers Film4 will be raking in, this is massive news. Finally a free to air Studio Ghibli season! I can't wait!
This is quite nice, I remember they did a similar thing in the past and I really wanted to get Filmfour.

I believe that tonight "The Fifth Element" is on.
Fri 4th Aug 4.55 pm - The Castle Of Cagliostro
# Thu 10th Aug 5.15 pm - Porco Rosso

What I'll be watching, the rest I have on DVD.
Woohoo this is brilliant I just got NTL in my new house so I am definately gonna have to get some beer in, some snacks and watch the films I haven't seen yet.

Wow, thank you Film four. Seriously, I do. I never seen those anime films, and I hardly own any. Olny FF7:AC and pokemon, so this is gonna be really exciting. Like Naruto, this is gonna try and get New people into the Anime community. Thats my opinion, though, I think it will appeal to kids as well [just that they might think its stupid when they see a big fat cat who talks and drinks beer] and Adults.
Well, film four been advertise all over town and on t.v, so people are bound to watch Film four to see what its like.
Anime is getting more respect by every second, keep it up Britain.
Yep, and the thing is, C4 actualy *gasp* has balls...ok, they not gonna air Poko Roko but I've heard it's not worth a damn anyway.

Maybe we'll get lucky and get a decent airing of Metropolis too.
And they are timed nicely to coincide with my jury service so i probably won't be home in time to see all of them. Combined with a broken VCR, it makes me a sad bunny.

Still, better than Richard&Judy and Neighbours.
And they are timed nicely to coincide with my jury service so i probably won't be home in time to see all of them. Combined with a broken VCR, it makes me a sad bunny.

Still, better than Richard&Judy and Neighbours.
cornixt said:
And they are timed nicely to coincide with my jury service so i probably won't be home in time to see all of them. Combined with a broken VCR, it makes me a sad bunny.

Still, better than Richard&Judy and Neighbours.

Dude I think I am not alone in saying this special anime event is a hugely good excuse to invest in either a vcr or dvd-recorded sure you can find one cheap in local ad paper or ebay.