Death Scythe
Alright I'm doing episode 2 today, 3 tomorrow, gonna batch them all and write here after #3 
I am trying to do an epic fate re-watch before watching the final heaven's feel movie that was delivered (and which I've been waiting for for a fair while) and this comment cracked me up!shoving his hand into the tracks, and that will give him the bone of his arm (I am the bone of my arm...) which he'll wield like a sword to stab Re-l Tracer.
Ahaa you're on fire dude!We know that Ladd survives along with Lua, she gets to die another day
Alright, hopefully watch the OVAs soonish and ramble about them if I can.
Heheh, you and me both man, your list sounds just like the many plates I'm trying to spin in my free time. Just to divert a bit, I had started playing 13 sentinels at the same time as watching Baccano, which was a terrible idea to have two art forms with numerous characters and even more names to remember and keep track of!! As you can likely imagine my progress through my PS4 games is even more snail-paced for obvious time reasons, so I'm not anywhere near being bothered by the ps5 ones yet heh. Kaiba I'd definitely be up for simulwatching at some point. I suspect things will remain very busy for me for at least a few months still this year, so I may not be able to join in as much with the next few simulwatches if any are planned imminently, but hoping to get back into the game midway through the year. And now to get back into my Fate re-watch - I've scraped to fate zero now with my order being fate/stay night, zero, unlimited bladderworts (yes, I decided to stick with that ingenious spell-check from my phone) culminating with heaven's feel. I am regretting not just watching heaven's feel as that third movie keeps taunting me from my shelf...The free-time part of my life is a mess.
In short pointless waste of time, as I didn't care, but they were there to watch and now I'm only 7 completed anime away from 700 on MAL!
The cut to present day is great. Perfect to end on Issac and Miria being ridiculous.
The free-time part of my life is a mess. I stopped halfway through the 2nd ova, stopped Kaiba halfway through, started playing Horizon but stopped after 30 min, am a few hours into Elden Ring but I
also stopped that
to, like @Geriatric hedgehog, watch Fate - I'm only going for HF, though.
Still, nice reading everyone's impressions! And I like seeing all the characters interacting outside of the train, so I'll get back to it and finish this thing. It's feel weird otherwise. (light ocd?)
Kaiba I'd definitely be up for simulwatching at some point. I suspect things will remain very busy for me for at least a few months still this year, so I may not be able to join in as much with the next few simulwatches if any are planned imminently
Oh yeah, I'm definitely up for Durarara season 1... Correction: I WAS very up for that but I see now that it's not on any of the streaming services I'm subscribed to anymore!! Bloody hell, should've just watched it on Netflix while I had the chance. I'm so irritated with myself...
Oh well, sorry dude, I'll have to bow out of that one for now as I don't have a physical copy either and have far too many things that I've bought over the last two years and am yet to watch to want to go start a spending spree on another series heh.
Sad to hear that bad news, buddy. I hope you and your family are doing okay.have been trying to pick up the pieces from the fallout of a family bereavement.
Thanks dude, very kind of you and yes, we're managing as best as possible hopefully. Such is life and things do eventually improve with time.Sad to hear that bad news, buddy. I hope you and your family are doing okay.
Good to see you posting again.