Start a rumour about the person above you! (Forum Game)

Chaz is not allowed solid foods as he tries to drink them and ends up choking himself. For this reason, his regular dinner consists of Apple Sauce with a side-order of Baby Mush. Custard for desert.
OOC: (In traditional Mikoto voice and fashion...) No... Ca-ke..?
(Obviously loves his chocolate cakes. DO NOT TAKE THAT WAY FROM HIM!! XD )

Adamcube won a fortnight's stay at a really posh and expensive home, with a huge garden and a fantastic achitectural view from the outside.
Then he walked past the giant cardboard cutout and saw nothing...
Chaz said:
McIcy was doomed from the time he signed onto this forum. Unfortunately, he plans on taking us down too.

Damn tootin' I do.

Chaz once wrote the greatest manga ever written but when he awoke the next moring he found he had destroyed it as it was too good and would destroy mankind (he has vowed never to drink absinth again)
OOC: "This is the greatest Manga in the world... ... Tribute..."# XD
I guess there really was that Devil Excel did burn all my good work... :p

I'm sorry to inform everyone about this, but it can come to light that one 'McIcy' has crossed to the other side.
Yes, he Crossdresses at Star Wars conventions, believing he's sexy in a golden Bikini...
Please join in prayer for all those Jedi who were traumatized by this experience, and we'll help gorge their eyes out with scoopers later.
I submit to the court that, 'Jar Jar Binks' was originally suggested to a certain Mr Lucas by one of our own anime addicts 'Chaz'. This is an unforgivable act and should be punishable by seizure of all anime goods and being made to write 1 million lines stating "I will never suggest another character in front of any movie director, producer or studio head ever again"
OOC: Now... You can't do that! Stealing the Star Wars theme from me! XD

McIcy always bursts into tears each time, on the game Soul Blade, Rock shouts "MONGOOOOO!"(Sorry about spelling... haven't played it for ages...)
McIcy has a Jonny Depp cut-out in his bedroom, which happens to be the loft.
What?! They have no more loft?! Apparently the roof's been blown off, and now it's been converted into a large balcony...
Mini-Mariah wrote this add-on lyrics to a famous X-mas song and sent it to Santa:
"Make Mini's wish come true...
Cuz all She wants for Christmas is YOU!"

I can see her glomping him all night... WAIT TIL AFTER X-MAS! WE WANT OUR PRESENTS!! XP
Santa is checking his list, but forgets to review it to make sure everyone's on.
McIcy is waiting under the Tree for him to come, but he'll never show...
"What a naughty lad," everyone will think. All because Santa was too lazy to do his job right...

Poor, McIcy... maybe next year... :wink: