Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Blood Prison Cancelled

Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

I'd love to see the sales figures for how many single blu rays (1 - 4) and how many box sets (double pack, trilogy, quadrilogy) Manga UK have sold because this is a massive fu@k you to all its loyal fans that have stuck with them up to this point.

Dear Manga UK, don't let the *offensive remark deleted* near the twitter account. Drop the BOXSET not the single (as we all know there's gonna be a boxset when The Last comes out) and you might, MIGHT just be able to save some face from this clusterfu@k of a marketing decision. (don't hold your breath tho)
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

This is why I only buy manga series releases when they're complete, just can't trust them otherwise. I got hit with Casshern Part 1 & Xam'd part 1 on blu ray, of course the more people who do that, the more they'll blame us fans and say there wasnt a demand.

When it comes to movie spin offs it makes even less sense to do what they're doing as the biggest fans (and the ones they make the most money off of) will snap them up on release.

Manga UK really is an awful company who are just becoming a lazy and unreliable re-releaser of Australian blu-ray.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

I really, really, really want to carry on supporting Manga UK but they are making it difficult. I may not be a Naruto fan, but that's a huge FU to dedicated buyers. Especially as I believe there is a sixth film they could do the same to when that's released.
What's to stop them from cancelling Part 2 of a series and release a boxset after buying Part 1 has been released too?

After the MVM issues as well I find Anime Limited the only company I want to truly support here in the UK. Their products are quality and they make things right if there's an issue. They are up front too rather than holding up excuses like others.

No company is ever perfect, but when I part with my money I expect the product to be well done, and the company to be up front about glitches, resolution, "artboxes", etc and not keep quiet until after release.

Apologies for ranting but with more and more shows streaming, unless I get a release worth owning, I shall not be buying them.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Jon O Fun said:
I'd love to see the sales figures for how many single blu rays (1 - 4) and how many box sets (double pack, trilogy, quadrilogy) Manga UK have sold because this is a massive fu@k you to all its loyal fans that have stuck with them up to this point.

Dear Manga UK, don't let the intern with special needs near the twitter account. Drop the BOXSET not the single (as we all know there's gonna be a boxset when The Last comes out) and you might, MIGHT just be able to save some face from this clusterfu@k of a marketing decision. (don't hold your breath tho)

For the record I've been doing my job as Manga UK's Community Liaison for over two and half years and I take that comment really personally.

And I just want to put this out there, I have forwarded all the feedback on this back to Manga HQ. Whether anything can be changed is something I don't know at this time.
(Try the being the guy who had to deliver this news...)
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Jon O Fun said:
Dear Manga UK, don't let the intern with special needs near the twitter account.
Assuming that's actually directed at Jeremy then it's completely uncalled for. I believe he's the PR guy and isn't directly involved with Manga's decisions at all. I actually really like Jeremy, and I sympathize with him for having to be the one to break the news and deal with the backlash. It's Manga as a company that has been making lots of... Questionable business decisions as of late. (Stripping of extras/no songs/signs track, that AoT "Collectors" edition) It's like they're trying to outdo Kaze as the worse UK distributor.

I don't care for Naruto at all, but turning around and saying "Want the new movie on Bluray? Gotta buy the boxset!" is a massive slap in the face to the consumer. What's even worse is that it's not like other cases where it's too expensive to do a Bluray run. You're already printing discs, so why on earth you'd choose to withhold them from buyers who bought the previous singles is beyond me.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Jeremy_Graves said:
Jon O Fun said:
I'd love to see the sales figures for how many single blu rays (1 - 4) and how many box sets (double pack, trilogy, quadrilogy) Manga UK have sold because this is a massive fu@k you to all its loyal fans that have stuck with them up to this point.

Dear Manga UK, don't let the intern with special needs near the twitter account. Drop the BOXSET not the single (as we all know there's gonna be a boxset when The Last comes out) and you might, MIGHT just be able to save some face from this clusterfu@k of a marketing decision. (don't hold your breath tho)

For the record I've been doing my job as Manga UK's Community Liaison for over two and half years and I take that comment really personally.

And I just want to put this out there, I have forwarded all the feedback on this back to Manga HQ. Whether anything can be changed is something I don't know at this time.
(Try the being the guy who had to deliver this news...)

It has probably been a very hard 2 1/2 years but think you have done a great job, don't blame you at all for any of the bad news you have to give and can totally understand taking that comment personally. I have now purchased Naruto Blood Prison from the USA and preordered Road to Ninja aswell something I would have normally waited until Manga UK would have put out.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Jeremy_Graves said:
For the record I've been doing my job as Manga UK's Community Liaison for over two and half years and I take that comment really personally.

And I just want to put this out there, I have forwarded all the feedback on this back to Manga HQ. Whether anything can be changed is something I don't know at this time.
(Try the being the guy who had to deliver this news...)

Unfortunately that's the internet for you. You need to avoid getting worked up over baseless comments. You're the intermediary of the company and unfortunately as you're the first line of communication that means you tend to get the flak and insults, especially in the internet age given the relative anonymity, it is part of the job though sadly.

Thanks for passing comments on. I doubt it'll make a difference as you say but whoever is making the decisions at manga is alienating their core audience big time which will lead to some serious financial troubles. I tend to buy most manga releases down the line now, often 2nd hand because of incomplete releases and quality control issues.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

That comment was totally uncalled for, but sadly this is the job for people who work on the front lines with customers. So my heart goes out to others who bear the brunt.

Part of my role consists of receiving all company complaints and it is not nice having to deal with both sides (IE: sympathise with clients and still push the company mandate). Especially as it comes back to you if either side doesn't like your response.

I may have a lot to say at Manga UK and how they go about things, but there's no need for personal attacks on people. If this is the way Manga want to do their release and screw over customers who bought individual releases prior, then they can't be mad when those customers walk away.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Mangaranga said:
Jon O Fun said:
Dear Manga UK, don't let the intern with special needs near the twitter account.
Assuming that's actually directed at Jeremy then it's completely uncalled for. I believe he's the PR guy and isn't directly involved with Manga's decisions at all. I actually really like Jeremy, and I sympathize with him for having to be the one to break the news and deal with the backlash. It's Manga as a company that has been making lots of... Questionable business decisions as of late. (Stripping of extras/no songs/signs track, that AoT "Collectors" edition) It's like they're trying to outdo Kaze as the worse UK distributor.

I don't care for Naruto at all, but turning around and saying "Want the new movie on Bluray? Gotta buy the boxset!" is a massive slap in the face to the consumer. What's even worse is that it's not like other cases where it's too expensive to do a Bluray run. You're already printing discs, so why on earth you'd choose to withhold them from buyers who bought the previous singles is beyond me.
No it was not directed at Jeremy, it was directed at Manga UK. I understand he doesn't make the decisions it was directed at the ones who do!
As a fan who as supported their releases for years originally buying the DVD for the first shippuden movie then having to buy it again when they decided to release a blu ray (that time I could understand as blu was just taking off) but this seems to be a very very stupid business choice and is going to alienate a lot of fans.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

My sympathies to Jeremy for the reasons others have stated above; he's not personally responsible for the wrongminded decision which brought this about so personal attacks are not acceptable.

However, as a company Manga UK is definitely going down the wrong path here. With Attack on Titan, the fact that the UK was getting the short straw wasn't obvious to the average buyer who might not know about overseas releases. This time, every single one of those hardcore Naruto fans will know about it when they try to order the next film and find they're being stiffed. It's lunacy.

This is a clear case of Manga UK backstabbing the most loyal audience they have; early adopters who buy movies of one of the biggest action shows in the western world. Something has gone off the rails somewhere in Manga UK decision making recently.

While it's not the reason I personally no longer purchase Manga UK products (I've been vocal about that before), I'm going to ensure my friends are all aware of the company's attitude as a priority. UK fans don't need this kind of treatment from distributors. I especially resent it because it's a time when UK fans should all be banding together and supporting the industry, yet all certain companies seem to want to do is slap us in the face. How can I recommend a company to new fans in good conscience when I know they don't care about their own buyers?

Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

I agree that despite what people might be feeling about the news in question, comments like that are totally uncalled for - and that's coming from someone who not only has learning difficulties himself, but also knows Jeremy to be a totally stand-up guy (people need to stop using "learning difficulties" as an insult anyway). As a Community Liason, he's doing his job perfectly - he's come in here and let us know that he's passed on the feedback of ourselves and others to Manga's HQ. At times, he also goes above and beyond his post (like with my K-ON! oyster card holder at Comic Con in May).

In regards to my personal opinion on the decision, I think it's dumb and unfair to the customers who have been buying the individual releases of the movies. If the decision was made to try and shift more copies of the box-set, I think that should be the release that's canned, not the solo blu-ray. I guess this is an indicator that the Naruto movies tend to sell more on DVD though?
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Putting Jerome in a bubble for one second.

Man, seriously, sod Manga. They have not done good thing one this whole year (afir) whilst MVM has quietly put out NSTC discs where possible and AL, whilst party to some nonsense in the actual releasing of content, have at least tried to treat the customer with respect in all regards.

Popping the Jerome bubble, I seriously suggest getting yourself and the podcast doods to ATL cause Naruto and Bleach are finite resources and unless they out Kai they're
out of DB stuff too and if they seek to substain on niche shows sold suboptimaly then Manga are walking dead.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Just a friendly reminder that Jeremy and Jerome are completely different people!

Jeremy is the one who tries to communicate nicely with people even though he's not personally calling the shots, whereas Jerome is the one who pisses half the fandom off every time he opens his mouth while the other half quivers in horrified admiration.

(I know you probably know that already Conan but it's ambiguous so I didn't want anyone confused.)

Hopefully Manga UK will do the right thing and announce a cancellation of this cancellation post-haste, though it's still another strike against the trust their customers have for them. If it was some divisive niche series rather than Naruto they'd probably get away with it with minimal complaints and that's why it's important that even non-Naruto fans express their opinions on holding premium buyers to ransom.

Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Definitely some unfair flak towards those responsible for passing messages on. It'd be understandable if they also made the decision but in most instances they are just the unfortunate person who has to pass on what someone else decided.

I second Rui in that I hope we see a cancel on this cancel, you just can't treat fans that have bought the singles, or even the existing box sets this way. Unfortunately the damage has already been done, I really thought Manga were getting it together after the slip ups of a few years back but recent decisions have seriously hurt their reputation in my eyes.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

Rui said:
Just a friendly reminder that Jeremy and Jerome are completely different people!

Jeremy is the one who tries to communicate nicely with people even though he's not personally calling the shots, whereas Jerome is the one who pisses half the fandom off every time he opens his mouth while the other half quivers in horrified admiration.

(I know you probably know that already Conan but it's ambiguous so I didn't want anyone confused.)R

Actauly I got the two confused and I am become derp.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

I really don't get why this has happened. The only thing I can think of is the sales for the previous movies on Blu-ray. They have only released 3 Movies on Blu-Ray individually, the first movie came with Bonds in the box set, which was exclusive which I understand as before that it was only on DVD and then when Bonds came out you had the choice to re-buy the first movie with Bonds or keep the DVD version of the first movie if you picked it up. And they have only released two box sets which was the double pack and trilogy.
Making the 5th movie Blu-ray exclusively for a new box set is nonsense. If you have bought all of them on Blu-ray, no one want's to buy one on DVD after that. I hope this is only a slight mishap and they will release
it on it's own, if not well I just don't have any words how disappointed I am. Who's idea was this? explain yourself! And MangaUK should release a statement soon on why this happened and not only say we are not releasing it, we need the reason! And I know it's not their doing (I hope) something has happened for them to not to release it and we would like to know why. And I think they should have explained by now rather than waiting for MCM Comic Con or something.
Re: Solo Blu-ray Release of Naruto Shippuden The Movie 5: Bl

BDT87 said:
I really don't get why this has happened. The only thing I can think of is the sales for the previous movies on Blu-ray. They have only released 3 Movies on Blu-Ray individually, the first movie came with Bonds in the box set, which was exclusive which I understand as before that it was only on DVD and then when Bonds came out you had the choice to re-buy the first movie with Bonds or keep the DVD version of the first movie if you picked it up. And they have only released two box sets which was the double pack and trilogy.
Making the 5th movie Blu-ray exclusively for a new box set is nonsense. If you have bought all of them on Blu-ray, no one want's to buy one on DVD after that. I hope this is only a slight mishap and they will release
it on it's own, if not well I just don't have any words how disappointed I am. Who's idea was this? explain yourself! And MangaUK should release a statement soon on why this happened and not only say we are not releasing it, we need the reason! And I know it's not their doing (I hope) something has happened for them to not to release it and we would like to know why. And I think they should have explained by now rather than waiting for MCM Comic Con or something.

So true. They need to make a comment about this ridiculous situation.

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